rtcGetDeviceProperty(3) Embree Ray Tracing Kernels 4 rtcGetDeviceProperty(3)

rtcGetDeviceProperty - queries properties of the device

#include <embree4/rtcore.h>
ssize_t rtcGetDeviceProperty(
  RTCDevice device,
  enum RTCDeviceProperty prop

The rtcGetDeviceProperty function can be used to query properties (prop argument) of a device object (device argument). The returned property is an integer of type ssize_t.

Possible properties to query are:

RTC_DEVICE_PROPERTY_VERSION: Queries the combined version number (MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH) with two decimal digits per component. E.g. for Embree 2.8.3 the integer 208003 is returned.
RTC_DEVICE_PROPERTY_VERSION_MAJOR: Queries the major version number of Embree.
RTC_DEVICE_PROPERTY_VERSION_MINOR: Queries the minor version number of Embree.
RTC_DEVICE_PROPERTY_VERSION_PATCH: Queries the patch version number of Embree.
RTC_DEVICE_PROPERTY_NATIVE_RAY4_SUPPORTED: Queries whether the rtcIntersect4 and rtcOccluded4 functions preserve packet size and ray order when invoking callback functions. This is only the case if Embree is compiled with EMBREE_RAY_PACKETS and SSE2 (or SSE4.2) enabled, and if the machine it is running on supports SSE2 (or SSE4.2).
RTC_DEVICE_PROPERTY_NATIVE_RAY8_SUPPORTED: Queries whether the rtcIntersect8 and rtcOccluded8 functions preserve packet size and ray order when invoking callback functions. This is only the case if Embree is compiled with EMBREE_RAY_PACKETS and AVX (or AVX2) enabled, and if the machine it is running on supports AVX (or AVX2).
RTC_DEVICE_PROPERTY_NATIVE_RAY16_SUPPORTED: Queries whether the rtcIntersect16 and rtcOccluded16 functions preserve packet size and ray order when invoking callback functions. This is only the case if Embree is compiled with EMBREE_RAY_PACKETS and AVX512 enabled, and if the machine it is running on supports AVX512.
RTC_DEVICE_PROPERTY_RAY_MASK_SUPPORTED: Queries whether ray masks are supported. This is only the case if Embree is compiled with EMBREE_RAY_MASK enabled.
RTC_DEVICE_PROPERTY_BACKFACE_CULLING_ENABLED: Queries whether back face culling is enabled. This is only the case if Embree is compiled with EMBREE_BACKFACE_CULLING enabled.
RTC_DEVICE_PROPERTY_BACKFACE_CULLING_CURVES_ENABLED: Queries whether back face culling for curves is enabled. This is only the case if Embree is compiled with EMBREE_BACKFACE_CULLING_CURVES enabled.
RTC_DEVICE_PROPERTY_BACKFACE_CULLING_SPHERES_ENABLED: Queries whether back face culling for spheres is enabled. This is only the case if Embree is compiled with EMBREE_BACKFACE_CULLING_SPHERES enabled.
RTC_DEVICE_PROPERTY_COMPACT_POLYS_ENABLED: Queries whether compact polys is enabled. This is only the case if Embree is compiled with EMBREE_COMPACT_POLYS enabled.
RTC_DEVICE_PROPERTY_FILTER_FUNCTION_SUPPORTED: Queries whether filter functions are supported, which is the case if Embree is compiled with EMBREE_FILTER_FUNCTION enabled.
RTC_DEVICE_PROPERTY_IGNORE_INVALID_RAYS_ENABLED: Queries whether invalid rays are ignored, which is the case if Embree is compiled with EMBREE_IGNORE_INVALID_RAYS enabled.
RTC_DEVICE_PROPERTY_TRIANGLE_GEOMETRY_SUPPORTED: Queries whether triangles are supported, which is the case if Embree is compiled with EMBREE_GEOMETRY_TRIANGLE enabled.
RTC_DEVICE_PROPERTY_QUAD_GEOMETRY_SUPPORTED: Queries whether quads are supported, which is the case if Embree is compiled with EMBREE_GEOMETRY_QUAD enabled.
RTC_DEVICE_PROPERTY_SUBDIVISION_GEOMETRY_SUPPORTED: Queries whether subdivision meshes are supported, which is the case if Embree is compiled with EMBREE_GEOMETRY_SUBDIVISION enabled.
RTC_DEVICE_PROPERTY_CURVE_GEOMETRY_SUPPORTED: Queries whether curves are supported, which is the case if Embree is compiled with EMBREE_GEOMETRY_CURVE enabled.
RTC_DEVICE_PROPERTY_POINT_GEOMETRY_SUPPORTED: Queries whether points are supported, which is the case if Embree is compiled with EMBREE_GEOMETRY_POINT enabled.
RTC_DEVICE_PROPERTY_USER_GEOMETRY_SUPPORTED: Queries whether user geometries are supported, which is the case if Embree is compiled with EMBREE_GEOMETRY_USER enabled.
RTC_DEVICE_PROPERTY_TASKING_SYSTEM: Queries the tasking system Embree is compiled with. Possible return values are:
internal tasking system
Intel Threading Building Blocks (TBB)
Parallel Patterns Library (PPL)
RTC_DEVICE_PROPERTY_JOIN_COMMIT_SUPPORTED: Queries whether rtcJoinCommitScene is supported. This is not the case when Embree is compiled with PPL or older versions of TBB.
RTC_DEVICE_PROPERTY_PARALLEL_COMMIT_SUPPORTED: Queries whether rtcCommitScene can get invoked from multiple TBB worker threads concurrently. This feature is only supported starting with TBB 2019 Update 9.

On success returns the value of the queried property. For properties returning a boolean value, the return value 0 denotes false and 1 denotes true.

On failure zero is returned and an error code is set that can be queried using rtcGetDeviceError.