rtcForwardOccluded4/8/16/Ex(3) Embree Ray Tracing Kernels 4 rtcForwardOccluded4/8/16/Ex(3)

rtcForwardOccluded4/8/16/Ex - forwards a ray packet to new scene
  from user geometry callback

#include <embree4/rtcore.h>
void rtcForwardOccluded4(
  void int* valid,
  const struct RTCOccludedFunctionNArguments* args,
  RTCScene scene,
  struct RTCRay4* ray,
  unsigned int instID
void rtcForwardOccluded8(
  void int* valid,
  const struct RTCOccludedFunctionNArguments* args,
  RTCScene scene,
  struct RTCRay8* ray,
  unsigned int instID
void rtcForwardOccluded16(
  void int* valid,
  const struct RTCOccludedFunctionNArguments* args,
  RTCScene scene,
  struct RTCRay16* ray,
  unsigned int instID
void rtcForwardOccluded4Ex(
  void int* valid,
  const struct RTCOccludedFunctionNArguments* args,
  RTCScene scene,
  struct RTCRay4* ray,
  unsigned int instID,
  unsigned int instPrimID
void rtcForwardOccluded8Ex(
  void int* valid,
  const struct RTCOccludedFunctionNArguments* args,
  RTCScene scene,
  struct RTCRay8* ray,
  unsigned int instID,
  unsigned int instPrimID
void rtcForwardOccluded16Ex(
  void int* valid,
  const struct RTCOccludedFunctionNArguments* args,
  RTCScene scene,
  struct RTCRay16* ray,
  unsigned int instID,
  unsigned int instPrimID

The rtcForwardOccluded4/8/16 and rtcForwardOccluded4/8/16Ex functions forward the traversal of a transformed ray packet (ray argument) into a scene (scene argument) from a user geometry callback. The function can only get invoked from a user geometry callback for a ray traversal initiated with the rtcOccluded4/8/16 function. The callback arguments structure of the callback invokation has to get passed to the ray forwarding (args argument). The user geometry callback should instantly terminate after invoking the rtcForwardOccluded4/8/16/Ex function.

Only the ray origin and ray direction members of the ray argument are used for forwarding, all additional ray properties are inherited from the initial ray traversal invokation of rtcOccluded4/8/16.

The implementation of the rtcForwardOccluded4/8/16 function recursively continues the ray traversal into the specified scene and pushes the provided instance ID (instID argument) to the instance ID stack. Hit information is updated into the ray structure passed to the original rtcOccluded4/8/16 invokation.

This function can get used to implement user defined instancing using user geometries, e.g. by transforming the ray in a special way, and/or selecting between different scenes to instantiate.

For user defined instance arrays, the rtcForwardIntersect4/8/16Ex variant has an additional instPrimID argument which is pushed to the instance primitive ID stack. Instance primitive IDs identify which instance of an instance array was hit.

When using Embree on the CPU it is possible to recursively invoke rtcOccluded4/8/16 directly from a user geometry callback. However, when SYCL is used, recursively tracing rays is not directly supported, and the rtcForwardOccluded4/8/16 function must be used.

For rtcForwardOccluded4 the ray packet must be aligned to 16 bytes, for rtcForwardOccluded8 the alignment must be 32 bytes, and for rtcForwardOccluded16 the alignment must be 64 bytes.

For performance reasons this function does not do any error checks, thus will not set any error flags on failure.
