rtcFilterOcclusion(3) Embree Ray Tracing Kernels 3 rtcFilterOcclusion(3)

rtcFilterOcclusion - invokes the occlusion filter function

#include <embree4/rtcore.h>
void rtcFilterOcclusion(
  const struct RTCOccludedFunctionNArguments* args,
  const struct RTCFilterFunctionNArguments* filterArgs

The rtcFilterOcclusion function can be called inside an RTCOccludedFunctionN callback function to invoke the occlusion filter registered to the geometry and stored inside the context. For this an RTCFilterFunctionNArguments structure must be created (see rtcSetGeometryIntersectFilterFunction) which basically consists of a valid mask, a hit packet to filter, the corresponding ray packet, and the packet size. After the invocation of rtcFilterOcclusion only rays that are still valid (valid mask set to -1) should signal an occlusion.

For performance reasons this function does not do any error checks, thus will not set any error flags on failure.

[rtcFilterIntersection], [rtcSetGeometryOccludedFunction]