rtapi_task_new(3rtapi) RTAPI rtapi_task_new(3rtapi)

rtapi_task_new - create a realtime task

int rtapi_task_new(void (*taskcode)(void*), void *arg, int prio, unsigned long stacksize, int uses_fp)

int rtapi_task_delete(int task_id)

A pointer to the function to be called when the task is started
An argument to be passed to the taskcode function when the task is started
A task priority value returned by rtapi_prio_xxxx
A flag that tells the OS whether the task uses floating point or not.
A task ID returned by a previous call to rtapi_task_new

rtapi_task_new creates but does not start a realtime task. The task is created in the "paused" state. To start it, call either rtapi_task_start for periodic tasks, or rtapi_task_resume for free-running tasks.

Call only from within init/cleanup code, not from realtime tasks.

On success, returns a positive integer task ID. This ID is used for all subsequent calls that need to act on the task. On failure, returns an RTAPI status code.

rtapi_prio(3rtapi), rtapi_task_start(3rtapi), rtapi_task_wait(3rtapi), rtapi_task_resume(3rtapi)

2006-10-12 LinuxCNC Documentation