funct(3rtapi) RTAPI funct(3rtapi)

rtapi_strlcpy - RTAPI string manipulation functions

#include <rtapi_string.h>

size_t rtapi_strlcpy(char *dst, const char *src, size_t sz); #define rtapi_strxcpy(dst, src) ... size_t rtapi_strlcat(char *dst, const char *src, size_t sz); #define rtapi_strxcat(dst, src) ...

rtapi_strlcpy will copy at most 'sz' chars from 'src' to 'dst'. Always leaves 'dst' NUL-terminated except if sz is 0.

rtapi_strxcpy(dst, src) checks that dst is an array with known size, and calls rtapi_strlcpy(dst, src, sizeof(dst)). If it is not an array with a known size, it is a (possibly cryptic!) syntax error.

rtapi_strlcat will append characters from 'src' to 'dst', stopping when the end of 'src' is reached, or 'dst' uses 'sz' bytes of storage including the trialing nul.

rtapi_strxcat(dst, src) checks that dst is an array with known size, and calls rtapi_strlcat(dst, src, sizeof(dst)). If it is not an array with a known size, it is a (possibly cryptic!) syntax error.

The total length of the string strlcpy or strlcat tried to create. For strlcpy() that means the length of src. If the return value is greater than or equal to sz, the result was truncated.

strlcpy(3bsd), strlcat(3bsd)

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