funct(3rtapi) RTAPI funct(3rtapi)

rtapi_byteorder.h - RTAPI wrappers for linux kernel functionality

#include <rtapi_byteorder.h>

Defined to 1 if the platform is big-endian, 0 otherwise
Defined to 1 if the platform is little-endian, 0 otherwise
Defined to 1 if the platform double-precision value is big-endian, 0 otherwise.

In kernel space, each rtapi_xxx or RTAPI_XXX identifier is mapped to the underlying kernel functionality, if available.

In userspace, or in kernels where the underlying functionality is not provided by a kernel, generally another implementation--possibly with reduced functionality--is provided. (For example, the userspace implementation for rtapi_byteorder_register always succeeds)

May be used at any time.

As in Linux.

2014-06-28 LinuxCNC Documentation