rpcstream(3I) InterViews Reference Manual rpcstream(3I)

rpcstream - iostreamb specialized to RPC requests

#include <Dispatch/rpcstream.h>

rpcstream, irpcstream, and orpcstream specialize iostream, istream, and ostream, respectively, to RPC requests. That is, the associated streambuf will be an rpcbuf. Conversions will be formatted (that is, ASCII) so datums will need to be separated by space characters.

Construct an unopened rpcstream.

Create a connection. Any failure sets ios::failbit in the error state.
Accept a pending connection and return the new file descriptor.
Attach to a pre-existing connection.
Break a connection. The error state is cleared except on failure.
Enable or disable non-blocking I/O and/or printing of error messages.
Return a pointer to the rpcbuf created by the rpcstream.
Get or set a flag. Used by the operations that insert an RpcHdr into an rpcstream or extract an RpcHdr from an rpcstream.

IOS.INTRO(3C++), iostreamb(3I), rpcbuf(3I)

27 March 1991 InterViews