lmbench reporting(3) | LMBENCH | lmbench reporting(3) |
milli, micro, nano, mb, kb - the lmbench reporting subsystem
#include ``lmbench.h''
void milli(char *s, uint64 n)
void micro(char *s, uint64 n)
void nano(char *s, uint64 n)
void mb(uint64 bytes)
void kb(uint64 bytes)
Creating benchmarks using the lmbench timing harness is easy. Since it is so easy to measure performance using lmbench, it is possible to quickly answer questions that arise during system design, development, or tuning. For example, image processing
There are two attributes that are critical for performance, latency and bandwidth, and lmbench's timing harness makes it easy to measure and report results for both. The measurement interface, benchmp is the same, but the reporting functions are different. Latency is usually important for frequently executed operations, and bandwidth is usually important when moving large chunks of data.
Development of lmbench is continuing.
lmbench(8), lmbench(3), timing(3), results(3)
Carl Staelin and Larry McVoy
Comments, suggestions, and bug reports are always welcome.
$Date: | (c)1998-2000 Larry McVoy and Carl Staelin |