redland(3) Redland RDF Application Framework redland(3)

redland - Resource Description Framework (RDF) Library


 #include <redland.h>

redland is a library providing support for the Resource Description Framework (RDF) written in ANSI C with APIs in several other languages.

This manual page lists most of the redland public API functions but does not claim to be a complete summary of the entire API. For the complete API with full details of the function interface, see the HTML API documentation either on the Redland web site at <> or with the software release in the docs/api directory.

The functions defined by redland are all defined with the "librdf_" prefix

The library provides macros for all of the RDF and RDFS concepts - nodes and URIs. For example, "LIBRDF_MS_Alt" for the librdf_node for the rdf:Alt concept and "LIBRDF_MS_Alt_URI" for the librdf_uri for the URI reference of rdf:Alt.

"LIBRDF_URI_RDF_MS" and "LIBRDF_URI_RDF_SCHEMA" provide the librdf_uri objects for the RDF and RDFS namespace URIs. They must be copied using librdf_new_uri_from_uri to be shared correctly.

  #include <redland.h>
  librdf_storage *storage;
  librdf_model* model;
  librdf_statement* statement;
  librdf_world* world
  storage=librdf_new_storage(world, "hashes", "test", "hash-type='bdb',dir='.'");
  model=librdf_new_model(world, storage, NULL);
  statement=librdf_new_statement_from_nodes(world, librdf_new_node_from_uri_string(world, ""), librdf_new_node_from_uri_string(world, ""), librdf_new_node_from_literal(world, "Dave Beckett", NULL, 0));
  librdf_model_add_statement(model, statement);
  librdf_model_print(model, stdout);

libraptor(3), libxml(4).

The redland RDF library was created by Dave Beckett in June 2000.

Dave Beckett <>,

redland 1.0.16 28-Jun-2012