pappl-job(3) pappl job functions pappl-job(3)

pappl-job - pappl job functions

Printer Application Framework (libpappl, "pkg-config --cflags --libs pappl")

#include <pappl/pappl.h>

typedef struct _pappl_job_s pappl_job_t;

papplJobCancel(pappl_job_t *job);

papplJobFilterImage(pappl_job_t *job, pappl_device_t *device, pappl_joptions_t *options, const unsigned char *pixels, unsigned width, unsigned height, unsigned depth, bool smoothing);

ipp_attribute_t *
papplJobGetAttribute(pappl_job_t *job, const char *name);

void *
papplJobGetData(pappl_job_t *job);

const char *
papplJobGetFilename(pappl_job_t *job);

const char *
papplJobGetFormat(pappl_job_t *job);

papplJobGetID(pappl_job_t *job);

papplJobGetImpressions(pappl_job_t *job);

papplJobGetImpressionsCompleted(pappl_job_t *job);

const char *
papplJobGetMessage(pappl_job_t *job);

const char *
papplJobGetName(pappl_job_t *job);

pappl_joptions_t *
papplJobGetOptions(pappl_job_t *job, pappl_joptions_t *options, unsigned num_pages, bool color);

pappl_printer_t *
papplJobGetPrinter(pappl_job_t *job);

papplJobGetReasons(pappl_job_t *job);

papplJobGetState(pappl_job_t *job);

papplJobGetTimeCompleted(pappl_job_t *job);

papplJobGetTimeCreated(pappl_job_t *job);

papplJobGetTimeProcessed(pappl_job_t *job);

const char *
papplJobGetUsername(pappl_job_t *job);

papplJobIsCanceled(pappl_job_t *job);

papplJobOpenFile(pappl_job_t *job, char *fname, size_t fnamesize, const char *directory, const char *ext, const char *mode);

papplJobSetData(pappl_job_t *job, void *data);

papplJobSetImpressions(pappl_job_t *job, int impressions);

papplJobSetImpressionsCompleted(pappl_job_t *job, int add);

papplJobSetMessage(pappl_job_t *job, const char *message, ...);

papplJobSetReasons(pappl_job_t *job, pappl_jreason_t add, pappl_jreason_t remove);

The PAPPL job functions provide access to the job object. Jobs and the life cycle of the pappl_job_t objects are managed automatically by the system object for the printer application.

The papplJobGet functions get the current values associated with a job while the papplJobSet functions set the current values associated with a job.

The papplJobCancel function cancels processing of a job, while the papplJobIsCanceled function returns whether a job is in the canceled state (IPP_JSTATE_CANCELED) or is in the process of being canceled (IPP_JSTATE_PROCESSING and PAPPL_JREASON_PROCESSING_TO_STOP_POINT).

The papplJobOpenFile function opens a file associated with the job. The file descriptor must be closed by the caller using the close(2) system call.

The papplJobFilterImage function converts raw image data to raster data suitable for the printer.

IPP "job-state-reasons" bit values

























Cancel a job.

void papplJobCancel (
    pappl_job_t *job

This function cancels the specified job. If the job is currently being printed, it will be stopped at a convenient time (usually the end of a page) so that the printer will be left in a known state.

Create the printer options for a job.

pappl_pr_options_t * papplJobCreatePrintOptions (
    pappl_job_t *job,
    unsigned num_pages,
    bool color

This function allocates a printer options structure and computes the print options for a job based upon the Job Template attributes submitted in the print request and the default values set in the printer driver data.

The "num_pages" and "color" arguments specify the number of pages and whether the document contains non-grayscale colors - this information typically comes from parsing the job file.

Create a job with a local file.

pappl_job_t * papplJobCreateWithFile (
    pappl_printer_t *printer,
    const char *username,
    const char *format,
    const char *job_name,
    int num_options,
    cups_option_t *options,
    const char *filename

This function creates a new print job with a local file. The "num_options" and "options" parameters specify additional print options, as needed. The file specified by "filename" is removed automatically if it resides in the spool directory.

Delete a job options structure.

void papplJobDeletePrintOptions (
    pappl_pr_options_t *options

This function frees the memory used for a job options structure.

Filter an image in memory.

bool  papplJobFilterImage (
    pappl_job_t *job,
    pappl_device_t *device,
    pappl_pr_options_t *options,
    const unsigned char *pixels,
    int width,
    int height,
    int depth,
    int ppi,
    bool smoothing

This function will print a grayscale or sRGB image using the printer's raster driver interface, scaling and positioning the image as necessary based on the job options, and printing as many copies as requested.

The image data is an array of grayscale ("depth" = 1) or sRGB ("depth" = 3) pixels starting at the top-left corner of the image.

The image resolution ("ppi") is expressed in pixels per inch and is used for some "print-scaling" modes. Pass 0 if the image has no explicit resolution information.

Get an attribute from a job.

ipp_attribute_t * papplJobGetAttribute (
    pappl_job_t *job,
    const char *name

This function gets the named IPP attribute from a job. The returned attribute can be examined using the ippGetXxx functions.

Get per-job driver data.

void * papplJobGetData (
    pappl_job_t *job

This function returns the driver data associated with the job. It is normally only called from drivers to maintain state for the processing of the job, for example to store bitmap compression information.

Get the job's filename.

const char * papplJobGetFilename (
    pappl_job_t *job

This function returns the filename for the job's document data.

Get the MIME media type for the job's file.

const char * papplJobGetFormat (
    pappl_job_t *job

This function returns the MIME media type for the job's document data.

Get the job ID value.

int  papplJobGetID (
    pappl_job_t *job

This function returns the job's unique integer identifier.

Get the number of impressions (sides) in the job.

int  papplJobGetImpressions (
    pappl_job_t *job

This function returns the number of impressions in the job's document data. An impression is one side of an output page.

Get the number of completed impressions
(sides) in the job.

int  papplJobGetImpressionsCompleted (
    pappl_job_t *job

This function returns the number of impressions that have been printed. An impression is one side of an output page.

Get the current job message string, if any.

const char * papplJobGetMessage (
    pappl_job_t *job

This function returns the current job message string, if any.

Get the job name/title.

const char * papplJobGetName (
    pappl_job_t *job

This function returns the name or title of the job.

Get the printer for the job.

pappl_printer_t * papplJobGetPrinter (
    pappl_job_t *job

This function returns the printer containing the job.

Get the current job state reasons.

pappl_jreason_t  papplJobGetReasons (
    pappl_job_t *job

This function returns the current job state reasons bitfield.

Get the current job state.

ipp_jstate_t  papplJobGetState (
    pappl_job_t *job

This function returns the current job processing state, which is represented as an enumeration:

  • IPP_JSTATE_ABORTED: Job has been aborted by the system due to an error.
  • IPP_JSTATE_CANCELED: Job has been canceled by a user.
  • IPP_JSTATE_COMPLETED: Job has finished printing.
  • IPP_JSTATE_HELD: Job is being held for some reason, typically because
    the document data is being received.
  • IPP_JSTATE_PENDING: Job is queued and waiting to be printed.
  • IPP_JSTATE_PROCESSING: Job is being printed.
  • IPP_JSTATE_STOPPED: Job is paused, typically when the printer is not
    ready.</li> </ul>

Get the job completion time, if any.

time_t  papplJobGetTimeCompleted (
    pappl_job_t *job

This function returns the date and time when the job reached the completed, canceled, or aborted states. 0 is returned if the job is not yet in one of those states.

Get the job creation time.

time_t  papplJobGetTimeCreated (
    pappl_job_t *job

This function returns the date and time when the job was created.

Get the job processing time.

time_t  papplJobGetTimeProcessed (
    pappl_job_t *job

This function returns the date and time when the job started processing (printing).

Get the name of the user that submitted the job.

const char * papplJobGetUsername (
    pappl_job_t *job

This function returns the name of the user that submitted the job.

Hold a job for printing.

bool  papplJobHold (
    pappl_job_t *job,
    const char *username,
    const char *until,
    time_t until_time

This function holds a pending job for printing at a later time.

Return whether the job is canceled.

bool  papplJobIsCanceled (
    pappl_job_t *job

This function returns true if the job has been canceled or aborted.

Create or open a file for the document in a job.

int  papplJobOpenFile (
    pappl_job_t *job,
    char *fname,
    size_t fnamesize,
    const char *directory,
    const char *ext,
    const char *mode

This function creates or opens a file for a job. The "fname" and "fnamesize" arguments specify the location and size of a buffer to store the job filename, which incorporates the "directory", printer ID, job ID, job name (title), and "ext" values. The job name is "sanitized" to only contain alphanumeric characters.

The "mode" argument is "r" to read an existing job file or "w" to write a new job file. New files are created with restricted permissions for security purposes.

Release a job for printing.

bool  papplJobRelease (
    pappl_job_t *job,
    const char *username

This function releases a held job for printing.

Set the per-job driver data pointer.

void papplJobSetData (
    pappl_job_t *job,
    void *data

This function sets the driver data for the specified job. It is normally only called from drivers to maintain state for the processing of the job, for example to store bitmap compression information.

Set the number of impressions (sides) in a job.

void papplJobSetImpressions (
    pappl_job_t *job,
    int impressions

This function sets the number of impressions in a job. An impression is one side of an output page.

Add completed impressions (sides) to
the job.

void papplJobSetImpressionsCompleted (
    pappl_job_t *job,
    int add

This function updates the number of completed impressions in a job. An impression is one side of an output page.

Set the job message string.

void papplJobSetMessage (
    pappl_job_t *job,
    const char *message,

This function sets the job message string using a printf-style format string.

Note: The maximum length of the job message string is 1023 bytes.

Set the job state reasons bit values.

void papplJobSetReasons (
    pappl_job_t *job,
    pappl_jreason_t add,
    pappl_jreason_t remove

This function updates the job state reasons bitfield. The "remove" bits are cleared first, then the "add" bits are set.

Find a job.

pappl_job_t * papplPrinterFindJob (
    pappl_printer_t *printer,
    int job_id

This function finds a job submitted to a printer using its integer ID value.

Clean out old (completed) jobs.

void papplSystemCleanJobs (
    pappl_system_t *system

This function deletes all old (completed) jobs above the limit set by the papplPrinterSetMaxCompletedJobs function. The level may temporarily exceed this limit if the jobs were completed within the last 60 seconds.

Note: This function is normally called automatically from the
papplSystemRun function.

Bitfield for IPP "job-state-reasons" values

typedef unsigned int pappl_jreason_t;

pappl(1), pappl-client(3), pappl-device(3), pappl-job(3), pappl-log(3), pappl-mainline(3), pappl-makeresheader(1), pappl-printer(3), pappl-resource(3), pappl-system(3),

Copyright © 2019-2022 by Michael R Sweet.

PAPPL is licensed under the Apache License Version 2.0 with an (optional) exception to allow linking against GPL2/LGPL2 software (like older versions of CUPS), so it can be used freely in any project you'd like. See the files "LICENSE" and "NOTICE" in the source distribution for more information.

pappl job functions 2022-11-07