mysql_stmt_fetch(3) MariaDB Connector/C mysql_stmt_fetch(3)

mysql_stmt_fetch - Fetches result set row from a prepared statement

#include <mysql.h>
int mysql_stmt_fetch(MYSQL_STMT * stmt);

Fetch the result from a prepared statement into the buffer bound by [mysql_stmt_bind_result()}(mysql_stmt_bind_result).

stmt - a statement handle, which was previously allocated by mysql_stmt_init(3).

Returns 0 for success, MYSQL_NO_DATA if the end of the result set has been reached, or MYSQL_DATA_TRUNCATION if one or more values are truncated.

Note that all columns must be bound by the application before calling mysql_stmt_fetch().
Data are transferred unbuffered without calling mysql_stmt_store_result(3) which can decrease performance (but reduces memory cost).
Truncation reporting must be enabled by function mysql_optionsv(3) with option MYSQL_REPORT_DATA_TRUNCATION

Version 3.4