FBB::IRandStream(3bobcat) Random numbers istream FBB::IRandStream(3bobcat)

FBB::IRandStream - Istream producing random numbers

#include <bobcat/irandstream>
Linking option: -lbobcat

FBB::IRandStream objects may be used to extract random numbers in a given range from a stream.

All constructors, members, operators and manipulators, mentioned in this man-page, are defined in the namespace FBB.

FBB::RandBuffer (private)

IRandStream(int max):
This FBB::IRandStream() constructor initializes the random generator. The default seed (i.e., 1) for the srand(3) function is used, meaning that every new run of the program will generate the same sequence of random values. Another constructor (see below) is provided when this is not considered appropriate. Random values between 1 and max (inclusive) are returned.
IRandStream(int min, int max):
This FBB::IRandStream() constructor initializes the random generator. The default seed (i.e., 1) for the srand(3) function is used, meaning that every new run of the program will generate the same sequence of random values. Another constructor (see below) is provided when this is not considered appropriate. Random values between min and max (inclusive) are returned.
IRandStream(int min, int max, size_t seed):
This FBB::IRandStream() constructor initializes the random generator. The seed is used to initialize the random number generator. To start the random generator at some unpredictable point, time(0) could be used. Random values between min and max (inclusive) are returned.

Copy and move constructors (and assignment operators) are not available.

Since the class uses public derivation from std::istream, all members of this class can be used.

#include <iostream>
#include <bobcat/irandstream>
using namespace std;
using namespace FBB;
int main(int argc, char **argv)
    if (argc == 1)
        cout << "\n"
                "Showing one random value between 1 and 1000 (inclusive).\n"
                "If you want more values specify the requested number of\n"
                "values as the program’s first argument\n"
                "On repeated calls the same numbers are generated\n\n";
    IRandStream in(1000);
    for (size_t count = argc == 1? 1 : stoul(argv[1]); count--; )
        size_t random;
        in >> random;
        cout << random << endl;

bobcat/irandstream - defines the class interface

bobcat(7), randbuf(3bobcat), randommt(3bobcat)

None Reported.

https://fbb-git.gitlab.io/bobcat/: gitlab project page;
bobcat_6.06.02-x.dsc: detached signature;
bobcat_6.06.02-x.tar.gz: source archive;
bobcat_6.06.02-x_i386.changes: change log;
libbobcat1_6.06.02-x_*.deb: debian package containing the libraries;
libbobcat1-dev_6.06.02-x_*.deb: debian package containing the libraries, headers and manual pages;

Bobcat is an acronym of `Brokken’s Own Base Classes And Templates’.

This is free software, distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL).

Frank B. Brokken (f.b.brokken@rug.nl).

2005-2024 libbobcat-dev_6.06.02