ibv_read_counters(3) Libibverbs Programmer’s Manual ibv_read_counters(3)

ibv_read_counters - Read counter values

#include <infiniband/verbs.h>
int ibv_read_counters(struct ibv_counters *counters,
                      uint64_t *counters_value,
                      uint32_t ncounters,
                      uint32_t flags);

ibv_read_counters() returns the values of the chosen counters into counters_value array of which can accumulate ncounters. The values are filled according to the configuration defined by the user in the ibv_attach_counters_point_xxx functions.

Counters object to read.
Input buffer to hold read result.
Number of counters to fill.
Use enum ibv_read_counters_flags.

flags Argument

Will prefer reading the values from driver cache, else it will do volatile hardware access which is the default.

ibv_read_counters() returns 0 on success, or the value of errno on failure (which indicates the failure reason)

Example: Statically attach counters to a new flow

This example demonstrates the use of counters which are attached statically with the creation of a new flow. The counters are read from hardware periodically, and finally all resources are released.

/* create counters object and define its counters points        */
/* create simple L2 flow with hardcoded MAC, and a count action */
/* read counters periodically, every 1sec, until loop ends      */
/* assumes user prepared a RAW_PACKET QP as input               */
/* only limited error checking in run time for code simplicity  */
#include <inttypes.h>
#include <infiniband/verbs.h>
/* the below MAC should be replaced by user */
    .dst_mac = { 0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04,0x05},
    .src_mac = { 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00},
    .ether_type = 0, .vlan_tag = 0, }
    .dst_mac = { 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF},
    .src_mac = { 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF},
    .ether_type = 0, .vlan_tag = 0, }
void example_create_flow_with_counters_on_raw_qp(struct ibv_qp *qp) {
    int idx = 0;
    int loop = 10;
    struct ibv_flow *flow = NULL;
    struct ibv_counters *counters = NULL;
    struct ibv_counters_init_attr init_attr = {0};
    struct ibv_counter_attach_attr attach_attr = {0};
    /* create single counters handle */
    counters = ibv_create_counters(qp->context, &init_attr);
    /* define counters points */
    attach_attr.counter_desc = IBV_COUNTER_PACKETS;
    attach_attr.index = idx++;
    ret = ibv_attach_counters_point_flow(counters, &attach_attr, NULL);
    if (ret == ENOTSUP) {
        fprintf(stderr, "Attaching IBV_COUNTER_PACKETS to flow is not \
    attach_attr.counter_desc = IBV_COUNTER_BYTES;
    attach_attr.index = idx++;
    ibv_attach_counters_point_flow(counters, &attach_attr, NULL);
    if (ret == ENOTSUP) {
        fprintf(stderr, "Attaching IBV_COUNTER_BYTES to flow is not \
    /* define a new flow attr that includes the counters handle */
    struct raw_eth_flow_attr {
        struct ibv_flow_attr              attr;
        struct ibv_flow_spec_eth          spec_eth;
        struct ibv_flow_spec_counter_action spec_count;
    } flow_attr = {
        .attr = {
                .comp_mask  = 0,
                .type       = IBV_FLOW_ATTR_NORMAL,
                .size       = sizeof(flow_attr),
                .priority   = 0,
                .num_of_specs = 2, /* ETH + COUNT */
                .port       = 1,
                .flags      = 0,
        .spec_eth = {
                .type = IBV_EXP_FLOW_SPEC_ETH,
                .size = sizeof(struct ibv_flow_spec_eth),
                .val  = FLOW_SPEC_ETH_MAC_VAL,
                .mask = FLOW_SPEC_ETH_MAC_MASK,
        .spec_count = {
                .type   = IBV_FLOW_SPEC_ACTION_COUNT,
                .size   = sizeof(struct ibv_flow_spec_counter_action),
                .counters = counters, /* attached this counters handle
to the newly created ibv_flow */ } };
    /* create the flow */
    flow = ibv_create_flow(qp, &flow_attr.attr);
    /* allocate array for counters value reading */
    uint64_t *counters_value = malloc(sizeof(uint64_t) * idx);
    /* periodical read and print of flow counters */
    while (--loop) {
        /* read hardware counters values */
        ibv_read_counters(counters, counters_value, idx,
        printf("PACKETS = %"PRIu64", BYTES = %"PRIu64 \n",
            counters_value[0], counters_value[1] );
    /* all done, release all */
    /* destroy flow and detach counters */
    /* destroy counters handle */

ibv_create_counters, ibv_destroy_counters, ibv_attach_counters_point_flow, ibv_create_flow

Raed Salem raeds@mellanox.com

Alex Rosenbaum alexr@mellanox.com

2018-04-02 libibverbs