hal_add_funct_to_thread(3hal) HAL hal_add_funct_to_thread(3hal)

hal_add_funct_to_thread - cause a function to be executed at regular intervals

int hal_add_funct_to_thread(const char *funct_name, const char *thread_name, int position)

int hal_del_funct_from_thread(const char *funct_name, const char *thread_name)

The name of the function.

The name of the thread.

The desired location within the thread. This determines when the function will run, in relation to other functions in the thread. A positive number indicates the desired location as measured from the beginning of the thread, and a negative is measured from the end. So +1 means this function will become the first one to run, +5 means it will be the fifth one to run, -2 means it will be next to last, and -1 means it will be last. Zero is illegal.

hal_add_funct_to_thread adds a function exported by a realtime HAL component to a realtime thread. This determines how often and in what order functions are executed.

hal_del_funct_from_thread removes a function from a thread.

Returns a HAL status code.

Call only from realtime init code, not from other realtime or non-realtime code.

hal_thread_new(3hal), hal_export_funct(3hal)

2006-10-12 LinuxCNC Documentation
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