GSTXP (Set text path) - sets the text paths or directions in which text is to be drawn.


#include <ncarg/gks.h>

void gset_text_path(Gtext_path text_path);

(Integer, Input) - Gives the direction in which a character string is to be drawn. Options are:
Draw successive characters in the string such that character n+l appears to the right of character n. This is text path "right" and is the default.
Draw character n+1 to the left of character n. This is text path "left".
Draw character n+1 above character n. This is text path "up".
Draw character n+1 below character n. This is text path "down".

The right, left, up, and down directions are relative to the character up vector. The right text path direction is perpendicular to the up vector direction. Thus, to draw a text string at a 45 degree angle the character up vector would be (-1,1), and the text path would be right .

To use GKS routines, load the NCAR GKS-0A library ncarg_gks.

Online: gtx, gstxal, gstxfp, gschh, gschsp, gschup, gschxp, gscr, gstxci, gqtxp, gqtxal, gqtxfp, gqchh, gqchsp, gqchup, gqchxp, plotchar, gset_text_path

Hardcopy: User's Guide for NCAR GKS-0A Graphics; NCAR Graphics Fundamentals, UNIX Version

Copyright (C) 1987-2009
University Corporation for Atmospheric Research
The use of this Software is governed by a License Agreement.

14 January 1992 UNIX