GSCHSP (Set character spacing) - sets the character spacing for text.


#include <ncarg/gks.h>

void gset_char_space(Gdouble char_space);

(Real, Input) - Specifies how much additional white space should be inserted between characters drawn using the GTX output primitive. CHSP is specified as a fraction of the character height.

A character spacing of zero positions the character body of each successive character contiguously with enough white space between them to produce pleasing normal spacing. A positive value inserts extra space between successive characters. A negative value causes successive characters to overlap. By default CHSP = 0.0.

To use GKS routines, load the NCAR GKS-0A library ncarg_gks.

Online: gtx, gstxp, gstxal, gstxfp, gschh, gschup, gschxp, gscr, gstxci, gqtxp, gqtxal, gqtxfp, gqchh, gqchsp, gqchup, gqchxp, plotchar, gset_char_space

Hardcopy: User's Guide for NCAR GKS-0A Graphics; NCAR Graphics Fundamentals, UNIX Version

Copyright (C) 1987-2009
University Corporation for Atmospheric Research
The use of this Software is governed by a License Agreement.

March 1993 UNIX