getdns_context_set_context_update_callback(3) getdns getdns_context_set_context_update_callback(3)

getdns_context_set_context_update_callback -- get informed on getdns context updates

DNS Resolver library (libgetdns, -lgetdns)

#include <getdns.h>

getdns_context_set_context_update_callback (getdns_context ** context,

void (*cbfun)(getdns_context *context, getdns_context_code_t changed_item)

Changes to the context such as in response to system files that affect the contet (/etc/resolv.conf etc.) trigger a call to the callback function specified as cbfun

context a previously initialized context

cbfun callback function to invoked when the specified context changes. If this argument is NULL then updates to the context will not invoke a callback.

Upon successful completion each of these functions return GETDNS_RETURN_GOOD , otherwise the following error values are returned:

GETDNS_RETURN_GENERIC_ERROR memory allocation failed or some other untoward thing happened

GETDNS_RETURN_BAD_CONTEXT if the context pointer is invalid


libgetdns(3), getdns_context_create(3), getdns_context_set(3), getdns_context_set_context_update_callback(3),

December 2015 getdns 1.6.0