dnsjit.lib.trie.iter(3) Library Functions Manual dnsjit.lib.trie.iter(3)

dnsjit.lib.trie.iter - Iterator of the trie.

local trie = require("dnsjit.lib.trie").new("uint64_t")
local iter = trie:iter()
local node = iter:node()
while node ~= nil do
local key = node:key()
local value = tonumber(node:get())
print(key..": "..value)
node = iter:node()

Beware that iterator is only valid as long as the trie's key-set remains unchanged.

Create a new iterator pointing to the first element (if any).
Return the Log object to control logging of this instance or module.
Return the node pointer to by the iterator. Returns nil when iterator has gone past the last element.
Advance the iterator to the next element.

Iteration is in ascending lexicographical order. Empty string would be considered as the very first.

You may not use this function if the trie's key-set has been modified during the lifetime of the iterator (modifying only values is OK).


Jerry Lundström (DNS-OARC), Tomáš Křížek (CZ.NIC), Petr Špaček (ISC)

Maintained by DNS-OARC


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