FBB::DateTime - Performs Date and Time Computations
#include <bobcat/datetime>
Linking option: -lbobcat
FBB::DateTime objects contain and represent date and time
values. Individual date and time fields can be requested or modified,
returning `sanitized’ times (e.g., a date like March 33 or a time
like 56 hours are never returned; instead the next month or day is
returned). Times may be specified in local time (according to the
computer’s idea of what the local time is), in Universal Time
Coordinated (UTC) time values, as a time in a named timezone, or
as a time in a user-defined timezone. Refer to the section TIMEZONES
below for a detailed description of how timezones can be specified.
Dates/times represented by DateTime objects may be modified
by adding, subtracting, or setting (std::chrono) seconds, minutes, or
hours, or by specifying (a selection of) fields of tm structs.
Date/time modificationsthese are always performed relative to the
DateTime object’s current timezone (which may be UTC,
local or another timezone). Conversions between timezones (including the
UTC `timezone’) are also supported.
DateTime objects can be constructed in many ways. Dates and
times may be specified as UTC time, as local time, as
(std::chrono::minutes) shifts with respect to UTC time, or as a date
and time in other (user defined) time zones. Negative time offsets refer to
timezones West of Greenwich, and positive offsets refer to timezones East of
Greenwich: these offsets represent the zones’ local time differences
with UTC time. Timezone offsets are always computed modulo 12 hours, as
timezones may at most differ 12 hours from UTC.
DateTime objects always contain date and time points in
seconds since the beginning of the `epoch’ (midnight Jan 1, 1970
UTC). The C function time(2) returns this value for the
current date and time (assuming that the computer’s clock has
properly been synchronized).
Daylight Saving Time (DST), when defined for DateTime
objects’ zones is automatically applied when DST is active. E.g.,
when a DateTime object’s time represents 12:00 hr., and it
zone’s DST (using a standard +1 hour shift) becomes active tomorrow,
then the object’s time shows 13:00 hr. when 1 day is added to its
current date/time.
Handling time is complex. The C function time(2)
returns the time in seconds since the beginning of the epoch. Beyond that,
simplicity ends, and the reader is referred to Eric S. Raymond’s
(2007) coverage of the complexities of handling time: see
http://www.catb.org/esr/time-programming (this document is also included in
bobcat’s repository).
DateTime’s nested class Zone is used to
specify time zones. Time zones have various configurable components:
- o
- The time shift itself. E.g., Central European Time (CET) uses a shift of
one hour: when UTC time is noon, then it’s 13:00 h. CET. The time
shift doesn’t have to be multiples of full hours. E.g., India uses
a time shift of +5:30 h relative to UTC.
- o
- Maybe a Daylight Saving Time. Most timezones use a +1 hour DST shift: when
in the previous example DST is active then CET’s local time is
14:00 h. Some countries do not use DST shifts. E.g., Afghanistan
doesn’t use a DST shift.
- o
- A date-interval in which the DST is used may be standard. E.g., it starts
at 02:00 h. (local time, becoming 03:00 DST), the last Sunday in March,
and ends at 02:00 h. (local time, resetting DST 03:00 to 02:00) the last
Sunday in October.
- o
- Other calendar intervals may apply. E.g., in 2019 New Zealand’s DST
starts September 29, and ends April 7th.
- o
- In practice, DST shifts are equal to 1 hour, although there’s no
formal requirement for that.
DataTime::Zone’s class offers a variety of means for
specifying time zones with or without support for DST. Time shifts can be
positive or negative and are specified in hours and optionally minutes.
E.g., -8 or -8:00 for a timezone 8 hours earlier than UTC (noon at UTC
becomes 04:00 in this timezone) or +5:30 for a time zone later than UTC
(noon at UTC becomes 17:30 in that timezone). Timezones can be given names
(which may or may not be the names of the `standard’ time zones like
CET or PST) but can also be constructed by providing
- o
- a mere shift relative to UTC, no DST.
- o
- a shift relative to UTC, using a standard DST (1 hour) time shift. In this
case the computer’s idea of the calendar interval in which DST is
active is used;
- o
- a shift relative to UTC, using a specified DST time shift as well as a
specified calendar interval, optionally specifying the time when the DST
calendar interval starts and/or ends.
All constructors, members, operators and manipulators, mentioned in this
man-page, are defined in the namespace FBB.
The class DateTime defines the following enums:
This enumeration has the following values which are ordered using the default
C++ enum values:
- o
- o
- o
- o
- o
- MAY,
- o
- o
- o
- o
- o
- o
- o
Standard 3-letter abbreviations can also be used (e.g.,
- o
- Jan,
- o
- Feb,
- o
- Mar,
- o
- Apr,
- o
- May ,
- o
- Jun,
- o
- Jul,
- o
- Aug,
- o
- Sep,
- o
- Oct,
- o
- Nov,
- o
- Dec.
This enumeration is used with the setMonth() member (see below). It has
the following values:
- o
- o
- o
- o
This enumeration has the following values which can be bit_or-ed when
calling the member setFields():
- o
- o
- o
- o
- o
- o
This enumeration has the following values:
- o
- LOCALTIME: the DateTime object’s date and time use a
shift relative to UTC according to the object’s configured time
- o
- UTC: the object’s date and time represent the Universal Time
This enumeration has the following values which are ordered using the default
C++ enum values:
- o
- o
- o
- o
- o
- o
- o
Standard 3-letter abbreviations can also be used (e.g.,
- o
- Sun,
- o
- Mon,
- o
- Tue,
- o
- Wed,
- o
- Thu,
- o
- Fri,
- o
- Sat.
DateTime objects may also be defined using textual
time-representations. In addition, the date/time represented by
DateTime objects may be altered using textual time representations
extracted from istreams.
The following time formats (shown by example) are recognized:
- o
- Mon Dec 3 13:29:11 2018, as displayed by put_time(...,
- o
- Mon Dec 3 13:29:11 CET 2018, as displayed by the date(1)
program. When this format is used the specified zone name must have been
defined. CET is defined by default, other time zones can easily be
defined using, e.g., the member DateTime::Zone::read (see section
- o
- Mon, 03 Dec 2018 13:29:11 +0100, as displayed by the date -R
command (and the rfc2822() member, see below);
- o
- 2018-12-03 13:29:11+01:00, as displayed by the date
--rfc-3339=seconds command.
The class DateTime::Zone defines how time zones can be
defined and used. Time zone objects are expected by several DateTime
constructors and by the DateTime::setZone member. The class
DateTime::Zone supports the following constructors:
- o
- Zone(std::string const &name):
The argument name refers to a predefined zone name. By default the
zone CET is available. Other zone names can be defined using the
members DateTime::Zone::read and DateTime::Zone::store;
- o
- Zone(std::string const &specification):
The argument specification refers to a zone specification
that’s available under the directory referred to by
/etc/localtime (e.g., /usr/share/zoneinfo). The
specification must start with a colon, followed by the name of an entry
that is found below /usr/share/zoneinfo. E.g, to specify the
Europe/Amsterdam zone use DateTime::Zone{
":Europe/Amsterdam" }. If the specified zone uses DST then a
+1 hour DST shift is used;
- o
- Zone(std::string const &shift):
The argument shift defines the zone’s shift in hours and
minutes relative to UTC. Shift’s format is [+-]hh[:mm],
where negative time shifts refer to time zones West of Greenwich and
positive time shifts to time zones East of Greenwich. No DST is used;
- o
- Zone(std::string const &shift, string const &dstSpec):
The argument shift defines the zone’s shift in hours and
minutes relative to UTC. Shift’s format is [+-]hh[:mm],
where negative time shifts refer to time zones West of Greenwich and
positive time shifts to time zones East of Greenwich. The dstSpec
argument defines the time shift to use when DST is active. It uses the
same format as shift, or = may be specified, in which case
the (standard) DST shift of +1:00 hour is used;
- o
- Zone(std::string const &shift, std::string const &dstSpec,
std::string const &beginDST, std::string const &endDST):
Like the previous constructor, but in addition beginDST and
endDST are used to define the date/time interval in which the DST
is active. These arguments use the following format:
Mon, weekSpec Day [hh[:mm]]
For Mon a standard 3-letter month specification is used, like
"Jan" for January, for Day a standard 3-letter day
specification is used, like "Sun" for Sunday (cf. the
standard 3-letter abbreviations listed in the section ENUMS).
- The weekSpec defines the number of the week of the month containing
Day. Use 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th or last. Here,
1st refers to the first week having day Day, while
last and 5th refer to the last week (so not necessarily the
5th week) having day Day.
- The time specification defines the time when the DST starts or ends. Some
Mar, last Sunday 02:00
Oct, 1st Monday 03:00
Copy and move constructors as well as assignment operators are
- o
- std::string const &spec() const:
The constructors’ zone specifications are converted to a form
recognized by the function tzset(3). This member returns the
converted string;
- o
- int dstSeconds() const:
If DST is active for a local date/time point then the DST shift in seconds
is returned by this member. Use the member DateTime::dst() to
determine whether or not DST is active.
- o
- int zoneSeconds() const:
The zone’s time shift relative to UTC in seconds. Negative values
represent zone shifts West of Greenwich, positive values represent zone
shifts East of Greenwich.
- o
- DateTime::Zone const &DateTime::Zone::get(std::string const
The time zone object named name is returned. E.g., to retrieve the
time zone object for CET use
DateTime::Zone::get("CET"). If the named zone has not
been defined an std::exception is thrown;
- o
- DateTime::Zone const &DateTime::Zone::store(std::string const
&name, ...):
A time zone object is defined and stored as zone name. Zone names
must consists of (at least three) letters. The ellipsis should be replaced
by the arguments of the Zone constructors (except for the arguments
of the first, copy, and move constructors). A reference to the newly
defined Zone object is returned;
- o
- std::string const &DateTime::Zone::defaultTZ():
The TZ specification that is active when the program using DateTime
objects starts. It returns the return value of
getenv("TZ") or an empty string if the TZ
environment variable was not defined;
- o
- void DateTime::Zone::read(std::string const &fname):
Time zone specifications as expected by the above store member are
read from the file named fname (one specification per line, using
blanks between the elements, and inserting until between the
dstBegin and dstEnd specifications (if provided)). For
cosmetic reasons a colon may be appended to zone names. Examples:
ccu: +5:50
nyc: -5:00 +1:00
cal: -8:00 =
eet: +2:00 +1:00 Mar, last Sun 02:00 until Oct, last Sun 02:00
same: +2:00 = Mar, last Sun 02:00 until Oct, last Sun 02:00
If the first character on a line is a hash-tag (#) or if a line only
contains blanks it is ignored;
- o
- time_t DateTime::Zone::thisZoneShift():
Returns this computer’s zone shift in seconds.
- o
- DateTime(TimeType type = UTC):
The object’s date/time is initialized to the current date and time.
By default UTC time (no zone-shift or dst correction) is used. When
specifying LOCALTIME, the computer’s timezone and DST
correction are used;
- o
- DateTime(std::chrono::minutes zoneMinutes):
The object’s local time is initialized to the current UTC time to
which a zone shift of zoneMinutes minutes is added. DST is not used. Note
that by specifying a zone shift in, e.g., std::chrono::hours a
conversion to minutes is automatically applied;
- o
- DateTime(Datetime::Zone const &zone):
The object’s local time is initialized to the the current UTC time to
which a zone shift defined by the Zone argument is added;
- o
- DateTime(time_t time, TimeType type = UTC):
The object uses time to set its UTC time in seconds since the epoch.
When LOCALTIME is specified its local time is obtained by applying
the computer’s timezone and DST correction;
- o
- DateTime(time_t time, std::chrono::minutes zoneMinutes):
The object’s uses time to set its UTC time in seconds since
the epoch. Its local time is then obtained by adding a zone shift of
zoneMinutes minutes. DST is not used.;
- o
- DateTime(time_t time, Datetime::Zone const &zone):
The object’s uses time to set its UTC time in seconds since
the epoch. Its local time is then obtained by adding a zone shift as
defined by the Zone argument.
- o
- DateTime(tm const &ts, TimeType type = UTC):
The tm argument is a struct defined as:
struct tm
int tm_sec; // seconds 0..59, or 60: leap second
int tm_min; // minutes 0..59
int tm_hour; // hours 0..23
int tm_mday; // day of the month 1..31
int tm_mon; // month 0..11
int tm_year; // year see below!!
int tm_wday; // day of the week 0..6
int tm_yday; // day in the year 0..365
int tm_isdst; // daylight saving time
// > 0: yes, 0: no, < 0: unknown
Values outside of these ranges may be specified to compute points in time in
the future or in the past. E.g., tm_hour == 30 is normalized to
tm_hour == 6 of the next day.
- Note that functions like mktime(3) expect tm_year to be
specified relative to 1900. The DateTime constructor does
not expect this: the tm_year field should be the specified
as the (calendar) year, e.g., 2019.
- Using tm’s fields the object’s date/time is
initialized to either UTC or LOCALTIME. The DST, day of the year, and day
of the week fields of the tm argument are ignored;
- o
- DateTime(tm const &ts, Datetime::Zone const &zone):
The fields of ts (see the previous constructor) define a
LOCALTIME time point in the specified Zone.
- o
- DateTime(std::string const &timeStr, TimeType type = UTC):
The object’s date/time is initialized to either UTC or LOCALTIME
using DateTime’s supported textual time representations. The
time representation without explicit timezone shift (e.g., Mon Dec
3 13:29:11 2018 is interpreted as UTC time when type ==
UTC is specified, otherwise as local time (type == LOCALTIME),
using the computer’s time zone and DST correction). The other
textual time representations provide zone specifications which are used to
obtain the requested time representation (e.g., when UTC is requested, and
the textual time specification contains 13:29:11 +0100 then the
object’s (UTC) time is set to 12:29:11). DST specifications
are ignored, except when named time zones are used, as in on Dec 3
13:29:11 CET 2018;
- o
- DateTime(std::istream &in, TimeType type = UTC):
The object’s date/time is initialized to either UTC or LOCALTIME
extracting a supported textual time representation from in as
destribed at the DateTime(std::string const &timeStr, ...)
constructor. The std::istream &in stream may also be a rvalue
- o
- DateTime(std::istream &&in, TimeType type = UTC):
Same as the previous constructor, but receeiving an r-value reference as its
first argumnt.
Copy and move constructors are available.
All class-less overloaded operators are defined in the FBB
namespace. All overloaded operators modifying DateTime objects
support `commit or roll-back’: if the operation cannot be performed
an exception is thrown, without modifying the destination object.
- o
- std::ostream &std::operator<<(std::ostream &str, DateTime
const &dt):
Inserts dt’s date/time into str using the zone-less
supported textual time representation (e.g., Mon Dec 3 13:29:11
- o
- std::istream &std::operator>>(std::istream &str, DateTime
Extracts a supported textual time representation from str and assigns
the implied date/time point to dt;
- o
- bool operator==(DateTime const &left, DateTime const
Returns true if left represents the same UTC time as
- o
- bool operator!=(DateTime const &left, DateTime const
Returns true if left represents a different UTC time as
- o
- bool operator<(DateTime const &left, DateTime const
Returns true if left represents an earlier UTC time as
- o
- bool operator<=(DateTime const &left, DateTime const
Returns true if left represents an earlier or equal UTC time
as right;
- o
- bool operator>(DateTime const &left, DateTime const
Returns true if left represents a later UTC time as
- o
- bool operator>=(DateTime const &left, DateTime const
Returns true if left represents a later or equal UTC time as
- o
- DateTime operator+(DateTime const &obj, std::chrono::seconds
Returns a copy of obj to which seconds were added;
- o
- DateTime operator+(DateTime const &obj, tm const &ts):
Returns a copy of obj to which the tm_sec, tm_min, tm_hour,
tm_mday, tm_mon and tm_year fields of ts were
- Caveat: note that this is an addition operation: if you want to add
1 year specify ts.tm_year = 1, and not the finally expected
calendar year!
- o
- DateTime &operator+=(std::chrono::seconds seconds):
Adds seconds to the time represented by the current object;
- o
- DateTime &operator+=(tm const &ts):
Adds the tm_sec, tm_min, tm_hour, tm_mday, tm_mon and tm_year
fields of ts to the time represented by the current object.
- Caveat: note that this is an addition operation: if you want to add
1 year specify ts.tm_year = 1, and not the finally expected
calendar year!
- o
- DateTime operator-(DateTime const &obj, std::chrono::seconds
Returns a copy of obj to which seconds were subtracted;
- o
- DateTime operator-(DateTime const &obj, tm const &ts):
Returns a copy of obj to which the tm_sec, tm_min, tm_hour,
tm_mday, tm_mon and tm_year fields of ts were
- Caveat: note that this is an addition operation: if you want to
subtract 1 year specify ts.tm_year = 1, and not the finally
expected calendar year!
- o
- DateTime &operator-=(std::chrono::seconds seconds):
Subtracts seconds from the time represented by the current
- o
- DateTime &operator-=(tm const &ts):
Subtracts the tm_sec, tm_min, tm_hour, tm_mday, tm_mon and
tm_year fields of ts from the time represented by the
current object.
- Caveat: note that this is an addition operation: if you want to
subtract 1 year specify ts.tm_year = 1, and not the finally
expected calendar year!
- E.g., the following program fragment displays midnight, December 31, 1969:
DateTime dt{ 0, DateTime::UTC }; // set UTC at begin of era
tm era{ 0 }; // define a tm with tm_mday == 1
era.tm_mday = 1;
dt -= era; // subtract from dt and display
cout << dt << endl;
- Copy and move assignment operators are available.
All members returning a time-element do so according to the latest
time-representation (i.e., UTC, LOCALTIME, or using an
explicitly set display zone shift value). All members returning numeric
values use 0 as their smallest return value, except for the ...Nr()
members, which start at 1.
- o
- bool dst() const:
Returns true if the current object’s time includes a DST
shift, otherwise false is returned.
- o
- unsigned hours() const:
Returns the number of hours represented by the current object’s time
- o
- unsigned minutes() const:
Returns the number of minutes represented by the current object (0-59);
- o
- DateTime::Month month() const:
Returns the Month represented by the current object;
- o
- unsigned monthDayNr() const:
Returns the day number of the month represented by the current
object’s date (1-31);
- o
- string rfc2822() const:
Returns the current object’s date/time displayed according to the RFC
2822 format. This format is used, e.g., by the date -R command (cf.
date(1)). For example:
Mon, 3 Dec 2018 13:49:10 +0100
- o
- string rfc3339() const:
Returns the current object’s date/time displayed according to the the
RFC 3339 format. This format is used, e.g., by the date
--rfc-3339=seconds command (cf. date(1)). For example:
2018-12-03 13:29:11+01:00
- o
- unsigned seconds() const:
Returns the number of seconds represented by the current object’s
time (0-59, but 60 and 61 may occur at leap seconds). Note that this
member does not return the current UTC time in seconds (since the epoch):
if that’s required use the member utcSeconds;
- o
- void setDay(int dayNr):
Assigns dayNr to the day number of the object’s current
- Caveat: since day numbers start at 1, passing 0 or negative values to
setDay results in resetting the objects date to an earlier
- o
- void setFields(tm const &ts, DateTime::TimeFields fields):
Assigns the fields of ts indicated by a bit_or combination of
TimeFields fields’ value to the corresponding current
object’s date/time tm fields;
- o
- void setHours(int hours):
Assigns hours to the number of hours of the current object’s
- o
- void setMinutes(int minutes):
Assigns minutes to the number of minutes of the current
object’s time;
- o
- void setMonth(int month):
Assigns month to the current object’s month. January is
represented by 0, December by 11. Smaller or larger values refer to
previous or future years;
- o
- void setMonth(DateTime::Month month):
Assigns month to the current object’s month;
- o
- void setMonth(DateTime::Month month, DateTime::Relative where =
Assigns month to the current object’s month. By default the
month of the current year is updated (where == THIS_YEAR). Use
LAST to ensure that the month is set before the current
object’s month (e.g., if the current month is JUNE, then
requesting AUGUST, LAST will decrement the object’s year,
but requesting MAY, LAST won’t). Analogously, when
specifying DateTime::NEXT the resulting month is set after the
current object’s month.
- Caveat: If the day number of the current month exceeds the number of days
in the requested month, the object’s month and day number are
updated to the next month. E.g., if the current day number equals 31, and
NOVEMBER is requested, then the object’s date is updated to
December 1;
- o
- void setSeconds(int seconds):
Assigns seconds to the number of seconds of the current
object’s time;
- o
- void setUTCseconds(time_t utcSeconds):
Assigns utcSeconds as the number of seconds since the epoch to the
current object’s UTC time;
- o
- void setWeekday(Weekday day, Relative where = NEXT):
Assigns day to the current object’s day of the week. By
default (where == NEXT) the day will be the next occurrence of
day (maybe the current week, maybe in the next week: if the current
day equals Monday and Friday is specified, the current week is used. If
the current day equals Friday and Monday is requested the next week is
used). By specifying where = LAST the day will be most recent
occurrence of day: if the current day equals Friday and Monday is
requested, the current week is used. By specifying where =
THIS_WEEK then day is selected in the current week;
- o
- void setYear(unsigned year):
Assigns year to the current object’s date. Note that
year is the actual calendar year, and not, e.g., the year relative
to the beginning of the epoch or 1900;
- o
- void setZone(Datetime::Zone const &zone):
The current object’s time zone is set to zone. This does not
alter the object’s UTC time, but merely its time zone. If the
object represented UTC time before calling setZone it will
represent a local time after calling setZone;
- o
- void swap(DateTime &other):
Swaps the current and other DateTime object;
- o
- DateTime thisTime() const:
Returns a DateTime object using the current object’s UTC time,
applying the computer’s default time zone;
- o
- tm const *timeStruct() const:
Returns a pointer to the object’s current tm representing its
object’s broken down time elements. If the object holds a local
time the tm struct represents the local time (if applicable:
including a DST shift), otherwise it represents UTC;
- o
- DateTime utc() const:
Returns a copy of the current object representing its UTC time;
- o
- time_t utcSeconds() const:
Returns the current object’s (UTC) time in seconds since the
- o
- DateTime::Weekday weekday() const:
Returns the current object’s Weekday value;
- o
- unsigned weekNr() const:
Returns the week number of the current object’s date. Week numbers
are numbers of complete weeks. If Jan 1st is a Sunday then the week
numbers of Jan 1st through Jan 6th are returned as 1, otherwise the week
numbers of Jan 1st through the date of the first Saturday of the year
(which could very well be Jan 1st) are returned as 52;
- o
- unsigned year() const:
Returns the year of the current object’s date (note: this is the
actual calendar year, not the year since the epoch or relative to
- o
- unsigned yearDay() const:
Returns the day in the year of the current object’s date. January 1st
is returned as 0;
- o
- unsigned yearDayNr() const:
Returns the day in the year of the current object’s date. January 1
is returned as 1;
- o
- DateTime::Zone const &zone() const:
Returns the current object’s Zone object.
- o
- void tm2cout(char const *label, TM const &ts):
This static member is primarily used for debugging purposes. It displays the
values of ts’s fields, preceded by label and
": ".
Many examples illustrating the use of DateTime objects are
provided in the source archive’s bobcat/datetime/driver
directory. Here is an example:
#include <iostream>
#include "../datetime"
using namespace std;
using namespace FBB;
void show(DateTime const &dt, char const *label)
cout <<
label << ": " << dt << "\n"
"dst: " << dt.dst() << "\n"
"hh:mm:ss: " << dt.hours() << ’:’ << dt.minutes() << ’:’ <<
dt.seconds() << "\n"
"year-month-monthdaynr: " << dt.year() << ’-’ << dt.month() << ’-’ <<
dt.monthDayNr() << "\n"
"weekday/weeknr/yearday/yeardaynr: " <<
dt.weekday() << ’/’ << dt.weekNr() << ’/’ <<
dt.yearDay() << ’/’ << dt.yearDayNr() << "\n"
int main()
time_t now = time(0);
DateTime utc{ now, DateTime::UTC };
show(utc, "Current UTC time");
DateTime local{ utc.thisTime() };
cout << "The COMPUTER’S LOCAL TIME: " << local << ’\n’;
DateTime dt{ now, DateTime::LOCALTIME };
show(dt, "Current LOCAL TIME");
DateTime utc2{ dt.utc() };
cout << "UTC obtained from LOCAL TIME: " << utc2 << ’\n’;
DateTime jan1{ "2019-01-01 13:00:00+01:00", DateTime::LOCALTIME };
cout << "Jan 1, 1919, 13:00h: " << jan1 << ’\n’;
show(jan1, "Jan 1, details:");
cout << "\nOptionally rerun specifying another time zone specification\n"
bobcat/datetime defines the class interface.
bobcat(7), Exception(3bobcat), gmtime_r(3),
localtime_r(3), mktime(3), time(2), tzset(3),
See bobcat’s changelog file for an overview of members that
were discontinued at release 5.00.00.
The class DateTime assumes that time(2) returns the time in UTC.
English is used/expected when specifying named date components.
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- https://fbb-git.gitlab.io/bobcat/: gitlab project page;
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- bobcat_6.06.02-x.dsc: detached signature;
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- bobcat_6.06.02-x.tar.gz: source archive;
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- bobcat_6.06.02-x_i386.changes: change log;
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- libbobcat1_6.06.02-x_*.deb: debian package containing the
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- libbobcat1-dev_6.06.02-x_*.deb: debian package containing the
libraries, headers and manual pages;
Bobcat is an acronym of `Brokken’s Own Base Classes And
This is free software, distributed under the terms of the GNU
General Public License (GPL).
Frank B. Brokken (f.b.brokken@rug.nl).