continuation_option(3rheolef) continuation_option(3rheolef)

continuation_option - continuation solver options (rheolef-7.2)

This class is used to send options to the continuation(3) algorithm.


These options are transmitted to the damped_newton(3) algorithm during the continuation(3) algorithm.


These options control the continuation(3) evolution along the branch of solution. When using the Keller continuation, these options control the arc-length parameter.


When non-zero, it allows one to activate the optional mesh adaptation feature (see adapt(3)) embedded in the continuation algorithm.

Complete the documentation of all the others options.

This documentation has been generated from file main/lib/continuation_option.h

The continuation_option class is simply derivated from the adapt_option one (see adapt(3)):

struct continuation_option : adapt_option {
  Float ini_direction;
  Float kappa;
  Float tol;
  size_t max_iter;
  size_t newton_max_iter;
  Float min_delta_parameter;
  Float max_delta_parameter;
  Float ini_delta_parameter;
  Float theta_decr;
  Float theta_incr;
  Float theta_variation;
  size_t min_delta_parameter_successive_count_max;
  Float tol_cos_angle;
  bool do_prediction;
  bool do_check_going_back;
  size_t n_adapt;
  continuation_option(const adapt_option& aopt = adapt_option());
  void check() const;

Pierre Saramito <>

Copyright (C) 2000-2018 Pierre Saramito <> GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later <>. This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it. There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law.

Version 7.2 rheolef