cdk_matrix(3) | Library calls | cdk_matrix(3) |
cdk_matrix - Cdk matrix widget
cc [ flag ... ] file ... -lcdk [ library ... ]
#include <cdk.h>
CDKMATRIX *matrix, chtype * actions);
CDKMATRIX *matrix);
CDKMATRIX *matrix, int row, int col);
CDKMATRIX *matrix);
CDKMATRIX *matrix, boolean box);
CDKMATRIX *matrix);
CDKMENTRY *matrix);
CDKMATRIX *matrix, int row, int col);
CDKMENTRY *matrix);
CDKMENTRY *matrix);
CDKMATRIX *matrix, chtype input);
CDKMATRIX *matrix, int row, int col);
CDKMATRIX *matrix, int xpos, int ypos, boolean relative, boolean refresh);
CDKMATRIX *matrix, int row, int col);
CDKSCREEN *cdkscreen, int xpos, int ypos, int screenRows, int screenCols, int actualRows, int actualCols, const char *title, CDK_CONST char **rowTitles, CDK_CONST char **colTitles, int *columnWidths, int *columnTypes, int rowSpace, int colSpace, chtype filler, int dominantAttribute, boolean boxMatrix, boolean boxCell, boolean shadow);
CDKMATRIX *matrix);
CDKMATRIX *matrix, char *info[MAX_MATRIX_ROWS][MAX_MATRIX_COLS], int rows, int *columnLengths);
CDKMATRIX *matrix, chtype attribute);
CDKMATRIX *matrix, const char * color);
CDKMENTRY *matrix, boolean boxWidget);
CDKMATRIX *matrix, chtype character);
CDKMATRIX *matrix, MATRIXCB callbackFunction);
CDKMATRIX *matrix, int row, int col, const char *value);
CDKMATRIX *matrix, CDK_CONST char **info, int rows, int cols, int *columnLengths);
CDKMATRIX *matrix, chtype character);
CDKMATRIX *matrix, chtype character);
CDKMATRIX *matrix, chtype character);
CDKMATRIX *matrix, PROCESSFN callback, void * data);
CDKMATRIX *matrix, PROCESSFN callback, void * data);
CDKMATRIX *matrix, chtype character);
CDKMATRIX *matrix, chtype character);
CDKMATRIX *matrix, chtype character);
The Cdk matrix widget creates a matrix widget. The following are functions which create or manipulate the Cdk matrix box widget.
When the widget is activated there are several default key bindings which will help the user enter or manipulate the information quickly. The following table outlines the keys and their actions for this widget.
Key | Action |
Left Arrow | Moves one cell to the left. |
Right Arrow | Moves the cell to the right. |
Tab | Moves the cell to the right. |
Up Arrow | Moves one cell up. |
Down Arrow | Moves one cell down. |
Next Page | Moves one page forward. |
Ctrl-F | Moves one page forward. |
Prev Page | Moves one page backward. |
Ctrl-B | Moves one page backward. |
Ctrl-G | Calls the function jumpToCell and requests which cell the user wishes to jump to. |
Ctrl-P | Pastes whatever is in the paste buffer, into the current cell. |
Ctrl-K | Cuts the contents from the current cell and saves a copy in the paste buffer. |
Ctrl-T | Copies the contents of the current cell into the paste buffer. |
Ctrl-E | Erases the contents of the current cell. |
Delete | Deletes the character before the cursor, moves cursor left. There is no function to delete the character at the cursor since there are no functions for moving the cursor within the edited text. |
Backspace | Deletes the character before cursor, moves cursor left. |
Ctrl-H | Deletes the character before the cursor. |
Return | Exits the widget and returns 1. This also sets the widget data exitType to vNORMAL. |
Escape | Exits the widget and returns -1. This also sets the widget data exitType to vESCAPE_HIT. |
Ctrl-L | Refreshes the screen. |
cdk(3), cdk_binding(3), cdk_display(3), cdk_position(3), cdk_screen(3)
2024-03-28 |