catcmds(3U) InterViews Reference Manual catcmds(3U)

NewCompCmd, PrintCmd, QuitCmd, RevertCmd, SaveCompCmd, SaveCompAsCmd, ViewCompCmd - catalog-oriented commands

#include <Unidraw/Commands/catcmds.h>

The Unidraw library predefines a set of non-interpretive commands that let a user specify components to open, view, and save, plus commands for generating a PostScript external representation and for quitting the application. NewCompCmd re-initializes its editor's component to let the user start editing afresh. If the existing component is modified, NewCompCmd prompts the user to save it. PrintCmd generates a PostScriptView of the editor's component and lets the user send it to a file or to a printer. QuitCmd quits the application, prompting the user to save modified components. RevertCmd lets the user re-open the current component, discarding changes since it was last saved. SaveCompAsCmd lets the user save a component under a particular name, while SaveCompCmd saves a component named previously. Finally, ViewCompCmd lets the user specify another component to view in its editor.

Create a new NewCompCmd instance, optionally supplying a prototype component. When executed, NewCompCmd will make its editor edit a copy of the prototype. The editor's original component will be deleted if no other editor refers to it.
NewCompCmd is not reversible.
Return the prototype component specified in the constructor.

Create a new PrintCmd instance, optionally supplying the PrintDialog to display when executed.
PrintCmd is not reversible.

Concatenates print_cmd and file and calls system(3) on the result.

Create a new QuitCmd instance.
QuitCmd is not reversible.

Create a new RevertCmd instance.
RevertCmd is not reversible.

Create a new SaveCompCmd instance.
SaveCompCmd is not reversible.

Create a new SaveCompAsCmd instance, optionally supplying the FileChooser that will prompt the user to name the component.
SaveCompAsCmd is not reversible.

Create a new ViewCompCmd instance, optionally supplying the FileChooser that will prompt the user to specify the component to view. After the new component is opened successfully, the editor's original component will be deleted if no other editor refers to it.
ViewCompCmd is not reversible.

BasicDialog(3U), Command(3U), Component(3U), Editor(3U), PostScriptView(3U), lpr(1).

23 January 1991 Unidraw