AlignCmd, AlignToGridCmd - commands for aligning interactors to
each other and to a grid
#include <Unidraw/Commands/align.h>
AlignCmd is a purely interpretive command for aligning selected
components with respect to one another. For example, it can align the left
sides of selected components so that they coincide. AlignToGridCmd is
interpreted by selected GraphicView objects to align themselves to the grid
(if any) associated with the viewer in which they appear. Each component can
thus define what it means to align itself to the grid.
- AlignToGridCmd(ControlInfo*)
- AlignToGridCmd(Editor*
= nil)
- Construct an AlignToGridCmd.
- virtual void
- virtual void
- AlignToGridCmd redefines Execute to let the selected GraphicView objects
interpret the command the first time. This lets the components determine
the proper grid with which to align themselves and the amount of movement
required. Execute assumes that GraphicView objects will use the Align
operation (described below) to compute the amount of movement, store it in
a MoveData object, and finally issue a MoveCmd to the subject for
interpretation. Unexecute simply calls Unmove (described below) to reverse
the Align's effects.
- virtual void
Align(GraphicView*, float, float)
- virtual void
- GraphicView objects interpreting the AlignToGridCmd should use the Align
operation to specify a point to align to the grid that affects them. Align
will effectively move the component so that the given point falls on the
grid. It will also store the amount of movement in this by calling
Store with a MoveData object. Finally, Align calls Move (described below)
to actually move the component that amount. Unalign provides a public
interface to reversing the effects of Align by simply calling Unmove with
its argument's subject.
- void
- void
- Move produces a MoveCmd based on the MoveData stored for the given
GraphicComp and tells the GraphicComp to interpret the MoveCmd.
Conversely, Unmove produces a MoveCmd based on the the same information
and tells the GraphicComp to uninterpret it.
Command(3U), GraphicComp(3U), GraphicView(3U), Grid(3U),
Viewer(3U), datas(3U), transforms(3U)