AGSETP - Allows a user program to reset the values of a group of parameters containing one or more elements.


#include <ncarg/ncargC.h>

void c_agsetp (char *tpgn, float *fura, int lura)

(an input expression of type CHARACTER) is a character string of the form 'k1/k2/ . . . kn.', where each of the ki's is a keyword. The keyword k1 specifies a group of parameters, k2 a subgroup of that group, k3 a subgroup of that subgroup, etc. The whole string is the name of some group of parameters the user wishes to set.

For example, 'AXIS.' is the name of a 92-word group of parameters describing the four axes, 'AXIS/RIGHT.' is the name of a 23-word subgroup describing the right Y axis,


is the name of a 2-word further subgroup describing the intersection of the right Y axis with the bottom of the grid window, and


is the name of a single parameter specifying the point of intersection of the right Y axis with the bottom of the grid window as an X coordinate in the user coordinate system.

Obviously, these names can sometimes become rather long. There are various ways in which they may be shortened. First, since the fifth and following characters of each keyword are ignored, they may be omitted; this would shorten




Even fewer characters may be used, as long as no ambiguity of interpretation arises. To be completely safe, use at least the first three characters of the group keyword and at least the first two characters of each subgroup keyword; this would shorten the example above to 'AXI/RI/IN/US.'. Moreover, certain group and subgroup keywords may be omitted entirely; for example, 'AXI/RI/IN/US.' may be shortened to 'RI/IN/US.'. Keywords which may be entirely omitted are enclosed in brackets in the headings in the section "PARAMETERS".

Names may also be lengthened in various ways in order to improve their readability. Blanks may be used as desired on either side of a keyword. Any sequence of characters not including a slash or a period may be inserted after a keyword, separated from it by at least one blank. For example, the name


is equivalent to, and considerably more meaningful than,

'DAS/CH.' (or even 'DASH/CHARACTER.')

(an input array of type REAL, dimensioned LURA) contains new values for the parameters in the group specified by TPGN, in the same order as they appear in the group. All parameters have real values (because of a portability problem which arose in implementing the routines AGSETF and AGSETR). Those which represent intrinsically integral quantities have a value of the form "FLOAT(n)", where "n" is the integral quantity being represented. Some parameters intrinsically take on character-string values; the real quantity stored as the value of such a parameter is typically an identifier allowing for later retrieval of the character string from a character storage area inside Autograph. The routines AGSETC and AGGETC may be used to set/get the character-string values of such parameters.
(an input expression of type INTEGER) is the length of FURA (the number of real elements in it). Its value may be less than, equal to, or greater than, the length of the parameter group specified by TPGN. The number of values transferred from FURA is the minimum of the two (but not less than one). This means that if, for example, you only wish to set the first two parameters of a 100-parameter group, you may do so by using LURA = 2.

The C-binding argument descriptions are the same as the FORTRAN argument descriptions.

This routine allows you to set the current value of Autograph parameters. For a complete list of parameters available in this utility, see the autograph_params man page.

Use the ncargex command to see the following relevant example: agex06.

To use AGSETP or c_agsetp, load the NCAR Graphics libraries ncarg, ncarg_gks, and ncarg_c, preferably in that order. To get smoother curves, drawn using spline interpolation, also load libdashsmth.o. Or, you can use the ncargf77 command to compile your program and load the above libraries, then, to get smoother curves, use the -dashsmth option.

See the autograph man page for a description of all Autograph error messages and/or informational messages.

Online: autograph, autograph_params, agback, agbnch, agchax, agchcu, agchil, agchnl, agcurv, agdshn, aggetc, aggetf, aggeti, aggetp, aggetr, agpwrt, agrstr, agsave, agsetc, agsetf, agseti, agsetr, agstup, agutol, anotat, displa, ezmxy, ezmy, ezxy, ezy

Hardcopy: NCAR Graphics Fundamentals, UNIX Version

Copyright (C) 1987-2009
University Corporation for Atmospheric Research
The use of this Software is governed by a License Agreement.

March 1993 UNIX