af_note(3) Attribute Filesystem (AtFS) af_note(3)

af_note - read and modify note attribute

#include <atfs.h>

in af_snote (Af_key *aso, char *buf)

char *af_rnote (Af_key *aso)

af_snote sets the given text (in buf) as change note of the specified ASO. Text must be null terminated. af_snote requires a lock (see af_lock(3)) set on the specified ASO.

Af_rnote returns a pointer to the note attribute of the specified ASO. The note text is returned in memory allocated by malloc(3). Use free(3) to make the space available for further allocation.

af_lock(3), free(3)

Upon error, -1 or a nil pointer (depending on the return type) is returned and af_errno is set to the corresponding error number.

Fri Jun 25 14:33:14 1993 AtFS-1.71