XtGetActionList(3) XT FUNCTIONS XtGetActionList(3)

XtGetActionList - obtain class action list

#include <X11/Intrinsic.h>

void XtGetActionList(WidgetClass widget_class, XtActionList* actions_return, Cardinal* num_actions_return);

Specifies the widget class whose actions are to be returned.
Returns the action list.
Returns the number of action procedures declared by the class.

XtGetActionList returns the action table defined by the specified widget class. This table does not include actions defined by the superclasses. If widget_class is not initialized, or is not coreWidgetClass or a subclass thereof, or if the class does not define any actions, *actions_return will be NULL and *num_actions_return will be zero. If *actions_return is non-NULL the client is responsible for freeing the table using XtFree when it is no longer needed.

X Toolkit Intrinsics - C Language Interface
Xlib - C Language X Interface

libXt 1.2.1 X Version 11