Uil(3) Library Functions Manual Uil(3)

Uil — Invokes the UIL compiler from within an application "Uil" "uil functions" "Uil" "uil compiler"

#include <uil/UilDef.h>

Uil_status_type Uil(
Uil_command_type *command_desc,
Uil_compile_desc_type **compile_desc,
Uil_continue_type (*message_cb) (),
char *message_data,
Uil_continue_type (*status_cb) (),
char *status_data);

The Uil function provides a callable entry point for the UIL compiler. The Uil callable interface can be used to process a UIL source file and to generate UID files, as well as return a detailed description of the UIL source module in the form of a symbol table (parse tree).

Specifies the uil command line.
Returns the results of the compilation.
Specifies a callback function that is called when the compiler encounters errors in the UIL source.
Specifies user data that is passed to the message callback function (message_cb). Note that this argument is not interpreted by UIL, and is used exclusively by the calling application.
Specifies a callback function that is called to allow X applications to service X events such as updating the screen. This function is called at various check points, which have been hard coded into the UIL compiler. The status_update_delay argument in command_desc specifies the number of check points to be passed before the status_cb function is invoked.
Specifies user data that is passed to the status callback function (status_cb). Note that this argument is not interpreted by the UIL compiler and is used exclusively by the calling application.

Following are the data structures Uil_command_type and Uil_compile_desc_type:

typedef struct Uil_command_type {
char *source_file;
    /* single source to compile */
char *resource_file; /* name of output file */
char *listing_file; /* name of listing file */
unsigned int *include_dir_count;
    /* number of dirs. in include_dir */
char *((*include_dir) []);
    /* dir. to search for include files */
unsigned listing_file_flag: 1;
    /* produce a listing */
unsigned resource_file_flag: 1;
    /* generate UID output */
unsigned machine_code_flag: 1;
    /* generate machine code */
unsigned report_info_msg_flag: 1;
    /* report info messages */
unsigned report_warn_msg_flag: 1;
    /* report warnings */
unsigned parse_tree_flag: 1;
    /* generate parse tree */
unsigned int status_update_delay;
    /* number of times a status point is */
    /* passed before calling status_cb */
    /* function 0 means called every time */
char *database;
    /* name of database file */
unsigned database_flag: 1;
    /* read a new database file */
unsigned use_setlocale_flag: 1;
    /* enable calls to setlocale */
typedef struct Uil_compile_desc_type {
unsigned int compiler_version;
    /* version number of compiler */
unsigned int data_version;
    /* version number of structures */
char *parse_tree_root; /* parse tree output */
unsigned int message_count [Uil_k_max_status+1];
/* array of severity counts */

Following is a description of the message callback function specified by message_cb:

Uil_continue_type (*message_cb) (message_data, message_number, severity, msg_buffer,
src_buffer, ptr_buffer, loc_buffer, message_count)
        char *message_data;
        int message_number;
        int severity;
        char *msg_buffer, *src_buffer;
        char *ptr_buffer, *loc_buffer;
        int message_count[];

This function specifies a callback function that UIL invokes instead of printing an error message when the compiler encounters an error in the UIL source. The callback should return one of the following values:

Terminate processing of the source file
Continue processing the source file

The arguments are

Data supplied by the application as the message_data argument to the Uil function. UIL does not interpret this data in any way; it just passes it to the callback.
An index into a table of error messages and severities for internal use by UIL.
An integer that indicates the severity of the error. The possible values are the status constants returned by the Uil function. See Return Value for more information.
A string that describes the error.
A string consisting of the source line where the error occurred. This string is not always available. In this case, the argument is NULL.
A string consisting of whitespace and a printing character in the character position corresponding to the column of the source line where the error occurred. This string may be printed beneath the source line to provide a visual indication of the column where the error occurred. This string is not always available. In this case, the argument is NULL.
A string identifying the line number and file of the source line where the error occurred. This is not always available; the argument is then NULL.
An array of integers containing the number of diagnostic messages issued thus far for each severity level. To find the number of messages issued for the current severity level, use the severity argument as the index into this array.

Following is a description of the status callback function specified by status_cb:

Uil_continue_type (*status_cb) (status_data, percent_complete,
        lines_processed, current_file, message_count)
        char *status_data;
        int percent_complete;
        int lines_processed;
        char *current_file;
        int message_count[];

This function specifies a callback function that is invoked to allow X applications to service X events such as updating the screen. The callback should return one of the following values:

Terminate processing of the source file
Continue processing the source file

The arguments are

Data supplied by the application as the status_data argument to the Uil function. UIL does not interpret this data in any way; it just passes it to the callback.
An integer indicating what percentage of the current source file has been processed so far.
An integer indicating how many lines of the current source file have been read so far.
A string containing the pathname of the current source file.
An array of integers containing the number of diagnostic messages issued thus far for each severity level. To find the number of messages issued for a given severity level, use the severity level as the index into this array. The possible severity levels are the status constants returned by the Uil function. See Return Value for more information.

This function returns one of the following status return constants:

The operation succeeded.
The operation succeeded. An informational message is returned.
The operation succeeded. A warning message is returned.
The operation failed due to an error.
The operation failed due to an error.

UilDumpSymbolTable(3) and uil(1).