TSHttpTxnInfoIntGet - TSHttpTxnInfoIntGet API function

#include <ts/ts.h>

TSHttpTxnInfoIntGet() returns arbitrary integer-typed info about a transaction as defined in TSHttpTxnInfoKey. The API will be part of a generic API umbrella that can support returning arbitrary info about a transaction using custom log tags. It works on multiple hooks depending on the requested info. For example, cache related info may be available only at or after TS_HTTP_CACHE_LOOKUP_COMPLETE_HOOK hook.

The TSHttpTxnInfoKey currently supports the below integer-based info about a transaction

This info is available at or after TS_HTTP_CACHE_LOOKUP_COMPLETE_HOOK hook. A value of 1 indicates that the response is returned from RAM cache. A value of 0 indicates otherwise.

This info is available at or after TS_HTTP_CACHE_LOOKUP_COMPLETE_HOOK hook. A value of 1 indicates that the response is returned from RAM cache and is compressed. A value of 0 indicates otherwise.

This info is available at or after TS_HTTP_CACHE_LOOKUP_COMPLETE_HOOK hook. A value of 1 indicates that the response is returned via Read-While-Writer functionality. A value of 0 indicates otherwise.

This info is available at or after TS_HTTP_CACHE_LOOKUP_COMPLETE_HOOK hook. The value indicates the number of cache open read reattempts made by the transaction on cache open read failure.

This info is available at or after TS_HTTP_CACHE_LOOKUP_COMPLETE_HOOK hook. The value indicates the number of cache open write reattempts made by the transaction on cache open write failure.

This info is available at or after TS_HTTP_CACHE_LOOKUP_COMPLETE_HOOK hook. The value indicates the cache volume ID used for the cache object associated with the transaction.

The API returns TS_SUCCESS, if the requested info is supported, TS_ERROR otherwise.

2024, dev@trafficserver.apache.org

August 23, 2024 9.2