TSHttpTxnCacheLookupUrlGet - TSHttpTxnCacheLookupUrlGet API function

#include <ts/ts.h>

Get the current cache key URL, also referred to as the lookup URL. This must be stored in a properly allocated URL object, typically created with a TSUrlCreate().

#include <ts/ts.h>

Set the current cache key URL, also referred to as the lookup URL. This must be stored in a properly allocated URL object, typically created with a TSUrlCreate() or TSUrlClone().

This API can be called as early as TS_HTTP_READ_REQUEST_HDR_HOOK but no later than TS_HTTP_POST_REMAP_HOOK. This is the preferred and most efficient way to modify the cache key, but an alternative is to use the old TSCacheUrlSet(), which takes a simple string as argument.

2024, dev@trafficserver.apache.org

August 23, 2024 9.2