Sympa::DatabaseDriver - Base class of database drivers for
package Sympa::DatabaseDriver::FOO;
use base qw(Sympa::DatabaseDriver);
Sympa::DatabaseDriver is the base class of driver classes for
Sympa Database Manager (SDM).
- required_modules
( )
- Overridable. Returns an arrayref including package name(s) this
driver requires. By default, no packages are required.
- required_parameters
( )
- Overridable. Returns an arrayref including names of required (not
optional) parameters. By default, returns
Note: On Sympa prior to 6.2.71b, it by default returned
"['db_name', 'db_user']". On Sympa
prior to 6.2.37b.2, it by default returned
"['db_host', 'db_name',
- optional_modules
( )
- Overridable. Returns an arrayref including all name(s) of optional
packages. By default, there are no optional packages.
This method was introduced by Sympa 6.2.4.
- optional_parameters
( )
- Overridable. Returns an arrayref including all names of optional
parameters. By default, returns 'db_passwd',
'db_port', 'db_options'
and so on.
- build_connect_string
( )
- Mandatory for SQL driver. Builds the string to be used by the DBI
to connect to the database.
String representing data source name (DSN).
- connect ( )
- Overridable. Connects to database calling "_connect"()
and sets database handle.
True value or, if connection failed, false value.
- _connect ( )
- Overridable. Connects to database and returns native database
The default implementation is for DBI database handle.
- get_substring_clause
( { source_field => $source_field, separator => $separator,
substring_length => $substring_length } )
- This method was deprecated by Sympa 6.2.4.
- get_limit_clause
( )
- This method was deprecated.
- get_formatted_date
( { mode => $mode, target => $target } )
- Deprecated as of Sympa 6.2.25b.3.
Mandatory for SQL driver. Returns a character string
corresponding to the expression to use in a query involving a date.
- $mode
- authorized values:
- 'write'
- The sub returns the expression to use in 'INSERT' or 'UPDATE'
- 'read'
- The sub returns the expression to use in 'SELECT' queries.
- $target
- The name of the field or the value to be used in the query.
The formatted date or "undef" if
the date format mode is unknown.
- is_autoinc ( {
table => $table, field => $field } )
- Required to probe database structure. Checks whether a field is an
auto-increment field or not.
- $field
- The name of the field to test
- $table
- The name of the table to add
True if the field is an auto-increment field, false otherwise
- is_sufficient_field_type
( $required, $actual )
- Overridable, only for SQL driver. Checks if database field
type is sufficient.
- $required
- Required field type.
- $actual
- Actual field type.
The true value if actual field type is appropriate AND size is
equal to or greater than required size.
This method was added on Sympa 6.2.67b.1.
- set_autoinc ( {
table => $table, field => $field } )
- Required to update database structure. Defines the field as an
auto-increment field.
- $field
- The name of the field to set.
- $table
- The name of the table to add.
1 if the auto-increment could be set,
"undef" otherwise.
- get_tables (
- Required to probe database structure. Returns the list of the
tables in the database.
A ref to an array containing the list of the table names in
the database, "undef" if something
went wrong.
- add_table ( { table
=> $table } )
- Required to update database structure. Adds a table to the
- $table
- The name of the table to add
A character string report of the operation done or
"undef" if something went wrong.
- get_fields ( {
table => $table } )
- Required to probe database structure. Returns a ref to an hash
containing the description of the fields in a table from the database.
- $table
- The name of the table whose fields are requested.
A hash in which the keys are the field names and the values are
the field type.
Returns "undef" if something
went wrong.
- update_field (
{ table => $table, field => $field, type => $type, ... } )
- Required to update database structure. Changes the type of a field
in a table from the database.
- $field
- The name of the field to update.
- $table
- The name of the table whose fields will be updated.
- $type
- The type of the field to add.
- $notnull
- Specifies that the field must not be null
A character string report of the operation done or
"undef" if something went wrong.
- add_field ( { table
=> $table, field => $field, type => $type, ... } )
- Required to update database structure. Adds a field in a table from
the database.
- $field
- The name of the field to add.
- $table
- The name of the table where the field will be added.
- $type
- The type of the field to add.
- $notnull
- Specifies that the field must not be null.
- $autoinc
- Specifies that the field must be auto-incremental.
- $primary
- Specifies that the field is a key.
A character string report of the operation done or
"undef" if something went wrong.
- delete_field (
{ table => $table, field => $column } );
- Overridable. If the column exists in the table, remove it using
drop_field(). Otherwise do nothing.
- drop_field (
$table, $field )
- Required to update database structure. Deletes a field from a table
in the database.
- $field
- The name of the field to delete
- $table
- The name of the table where the field will be deleted.
A character string report of the operation done or
"undef" if something went wrong.
Note: On Sympa 6.2.71b.1 or earlier, delete_field() was
defined instead of this.
- get_primary_key
( { table => $table } )
- Required to probe database structure. Returns the list fields being
part of a table's primary key.
- $table
- The name of the table for which the primary keys are requested.
A ref to a hash in which each key is the name of a primary key or
"undef" if something went wrong.
- unset_primary_key
( { table => $table } )
- Required to update database structure. Drops the primary key of a
- $table
- The name of the table for which the primary keys must be dropped.
A character string report of the operation done or
"undef" if something went wrong.
- set_primary_key
( { table => $table, fields => $fields } )
- Required to update database structure. Sets the primary key of a
- $table
- The name of the table for which the primary keys must be defined.
- $fields
- A ref to an array containing the names of the fields used in the key.
A character string report of the operation done or
"undef" if something went wrong.
- get_indexes ( {
table => $table } )
- Required to probe database structure. Returns a ref to a hash in
which each key is the name of an index.
- $table
- The name of the table for which the indexes are requested.
A ref to a hash in which each key is the name of an index. These
key point to a second level hash in which each key is the name of the field
indexed. Returns "undef" if something went
- unset_index ( {
table => $table, index => $index } )
- Required to update database structure. Drops an index of a table.
- $table
- The name of the table for which the index must be dropped.
- $index
- The name of the index to be dropped.
A character string report of the operation done or
"undef" if something went wrong.
- set_index ( { table
=> $table, index_name => $index_name, fields => $fields }
- Required to update database structure. Sets an index in a table.
- $table
- The name of the table for which the index must be defined.
- $fields
- A ref to an array containing the names of the fields used in the
- $index_name
- The name of the index to be defined.
A character string report of the operation done or
"undef" if something went wrong.
- translate_type
( $generic_type )
- Required to probe and update database structure. Get native field
type corresponds to generic type. The generic type is based on MySQL: See
"full_db_struct" in Sympa::DatabaseDescription.
Subclasses of Sympa::DatabaseDriver class also can override
methods provided by Sympa::Database class:
- do_operation (
$operation, $parameters, ...)
- Overridable, only for LDAP driver.
- do_query ( $query,
$parameters, ... )
- Overridable, only for SQL driver.
- do_prepared_query
( $query, $parameters, ... )
- Overridable, only for SQL driver.
- AS_DOUBLE ( $value
- Overridable. Helper functions to return the DOUBLE binding type and
value used by "do_prepared_query"(). Overridden by inherited
Parameter value
One of:
- An array "( { sql_type => SQL_type }, value
- Single value (i.e. an array with single item), if special treatment won't
be needed.
- Empty array "()" if arguments were not
- AS_BLOB ( $value
- Overridable. Helper functions to return the BLOB (binary large
object) binding type and value used by "do_prepared_query"().
Overridden by inherited classes.
See "AS_DOUBLE" for more details.
- md5_func (
$expression, ... )
- Required. Given expressions, returns a SQL expression calculating
MD5 digest of concatenated those expressions. Among them, NULL values
should be ignored and numeric values should be converted to textual type
before concatenation. Value of the SQL expression should be lowercase 32
- __dbh ( )
- Instance method, protected. Returns native database handle
which _connect() returned. This may be used at inside of each driver
Sympa::Database, Sympa::DatabaseManager.
Sympa Database Manager (SDM) appeared on Sympa 6.2.