RasterComp(3U) InterViews Reference Manual RasterComp(3U)

RasterComp, RasterView, PSRaster - raster component subject, view, and PostScript external representation

#include <Unidraw/Components/rastercomp.h>

RasterComp is a GraphicComp that represents a raster image. It uses a RasterRect graphic to store its graphical attributes. RasterView is a GraphicView for displaying the raster image. PSRaster is a PostScriptView that externalizes the subject's information in PostScript form.

The constructor takes an optional RasterRect structured graphic that defines the attributes of the raster image. You can also supply an optional file name to associate the component with a file containing the (copious) image data.
Return the RasterRect graphic that defines the raster's attributes. GetRaster is simply a more specific form of the GetGraphic operation.
Return the file name specified in the constructor, if any.

Create an RasterView, optionally supplying the subject.
Return the subject.

Construct a PostScript external representation of the given subject, if any.

GraphicComp(3U), GraphicView(3U), PostScriptView(3U), RasterRect(3U)

10 August 1991 Unidraw