PETSc(3pm) User Contributed Perl Documentation PETSc(3pm)

PDL::CCS::IO::PETSc - PETSc-compatible I/O for PDL::CCS::Nd

 use PDL;
 use PDL::CCS::Nd;
 use PDL::CCS::IO::PETSc;
 ##-- sparse 2d matrix
 $ccs = PDL::CCS::Nd->newFromWhich($which,$nzvals);
 ccs_wpetsc($ccs,"ccs.petsc");      # write a sparse binary PETSc file
 $ccs2 = ccs_rpetsc("ccs.petsc");   # read a sparse binary PETSc file

Write a 2d PDL::CCS::Nd matrix in PETSc sparse binary format.


Options %opts:

 class_id  => $int,   ##-- PETSc MAT_FILE_CLASSID (default=1211216; see petsc/include/petscmat.h)
 pack_int  => $pack,  ##-- pack template for PETSc integers (default='N')
 pack_val  => $pack,  ##-- pack template for PETSc values (default='d>')
 ioblock   => $size,  ##-- I/O block size (default=8192)

REad a 2d PDL::CCS::Nd matrix from PETSc sparse binary format.

 $ccs = ccs_rpetsc($filename_or_fh)
 $ccs = ccs_rpetsc($filename_or_fh,\%opts)

Options %opts:

 pack_int  => $pack,  ##-- pack template for PETSc integers (default='N')
 pack_val  => $pack,  ##-- pack template for PETSc values (default='d>')
 ioblock   => $size,  ##-- I/O block size (default=8192)
 type      => $type,  ##-- value type to return (default: double)
 sorted    => $bool,  ##-- assume input is lexicographically sorted (only if not transposted; default=do)
 flags     => $flags, ##-- flags for new ccs object (default=$PDL::CCS::Nd::CCSND_FLAGS_DEFAULT)

Perl by Larry Wall.

PDL by Karl Glazebrook, Tuomas J. Lukka, Christian Soeller, and others.

Bryan Jurish <>

Copyright (C) 2015-2024, Bryan Jurish. All rights reserved.

This package is free software, and entirely without warranty. You may redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.

perl, PDL, PDL::CCS::Nd, PDL::CCS::IO::FastRaw, PDL::CCS::IO::FITS, PDL::CCS::IO::MatrixMarket, PDL::CCS::IO::LDAC, the PETSc binary matrix format definition at <>, the PETSc homepage at <>. ...

2025-01-04 perl v5.40.0