vpMultMatrix(3) Library Functions Manual vpMultMatrix(3)

vpMultMatrix - multiply the current transformation matrix by another matrix

#include <volpack.h>


vpMultMatrix(vpc, m)

vpContext *vpc;
vpMatrix4 m;

VolPack context from vpCreateContext.
Input matrix.

vpMultMatrix is used to multiply the current transformation matrix by an arbitrary 4-by-4 transformation matrix. Use vpCurrentMatrix to set the current transformation matrix. By default, the matrix is post-multiplied (N = N*m where N is the current matrix and m is the argument to vpMultMatrix). The VP_CONCAT_MODE option to vpSeti can be used to select pre-multiplication.

The current matrix concatenation parameters can be retrieved with the following state variable codes (see vpGeti(3)): VP_CURRENT_MATRIX, VP_CONCAT_MODE.

The return value is always VP_OK.

VolPack(3), vpCreateContext(3), vpCurrentMatrix(3)
