MagnifyTool(3U) InterViews Reference Manual MagnifyTool(3U)

MagnifyTool - tool for magnifying a portion of the GraphicView displayed in a viewer

#include <Unidraw/Tools/magnify.h>

MagnifyTool lets the user magnify a portion a viewer's contents. The user sweeps out a rectangular area with the MagnifyTool, and the viewer will magnify the area to occupy the entire screen, if possible.

Instantiate a MagnifyTool.
CreateManipulator generates a DragManip with a RubberRect to provide visual feedback for specifying the rectangular area to be magnified. InterpretManipulator does not create a command; rather, it examines the DragManipulator's RubberRect and calls Magnify on the viewer with the RubberRect's final coordinates.

Rubband(3I), Tool(3U), Viewer(3U), manips(3U)

23 January 1991 Unidraw