Geo::GDAL::FFI(3pm) | User Contributed Perl Documentation | Geo::GDAL::FFI(3pm) |
Geo::GDAL::FFI - A foreign function interface to GDAL
Version 0.11
This is an example of creating a vector dataset.
use Geo::GDAL::FFI qw/GetDriver/; my $sr = Geo::GDAL::FFI::SpatialReference->new(EPSG => 3067); my $layer = GetDriver('ESRI Shapefile') ->Create('test.shp') ->CreateLayer({ Name => 'test', SpatialReference => $sr, GeometryType => 'Point', Fields => [ { Name => 'name', Type => 'String' } ] }); my $f = Geo::GDAL::FFI::Feature->new($layer->GetDefn); $f->SetField(name => 'a'); my $g = Geo::GDAL::FFI::Geometry->new('Point'); $g->SetPoint(1, 2); $f->SetGeomField($g); $layer->CreateFeature($f);
This is an example of reading a vector dataset.
use Geo::GDAL::FFI qw/Open/; my $layer = Open('test.shp')->GetLayer; $layer->ResetReading; while (my $feature = $layer->GetNextFeature) { my $value = $feature->GetField('name'); my $geom = $feature->GetGeomField; say $value, ' ', $geom->AsText; }
This is an example of creating a raster dataset.
use Geo::GDAL::FFI qw/GetDriver/; my $tiff = GetDriver('GTiff')->Create('test.tiff', 3, 2); my $ogc_wkt = 'GEOGCS["WGS 84",DATUM["WGS_1984",SPHEROID["WGS84",6378137,298.257223563,'. 'AUTHORITY["EPSG","7030"]],AUTHORITY["EPSG","6326"]],PRIMEM["Greenwich",0,'. 'AUTHORITY["EPSG","8901"]],UNIT["degree",0.01745329251994328,'. 'AUTHORITY["EPSG","9122"]],AUTHORITY["EPSG","4326"]]'; $tiff->SetProjectionString($ogc_wkt); my $transform = [10,2,0,20,0,3]; $tiff->SetGeoTransform($transform); my $data = [[0,1,2],[3,4,5]]; $tiff->GetBand->Write($data);
This is an example of reading a raster dataset. Note that using PDL and MCE::Shared can greatly reduce the time needed to process large raster datasets.
use Geo::GDAL::FFI qw/Open/; my $band = Open($ARGV[0])->GetBand; my ($w_band, $h_band) = $band->GetSize; my ($w_block, $h_block) = $band->GetBlockSize; my $nodata = $band->GetNoDataValue; my ($xoff, $yoff) = (0,0); my ($min, $max); while (1) { if ($xoff >= $w_band) { $xoff = 0; $yoff += $h_block; last if $yoff >= $h_band; } my $w_real = $w_band - $xoff; $w_real = $w_block if $w_real > $w_block; my $h_real = $h_band - $yoff; $h_real = $h_block if $h_real > $h_block; my $data = $band->Read($xoff, $yoff, $w_real, $h_real); for my $y (0..$#$data) { my $row = $data->[$y]; for my $x (0..$#$row) { my $value = $row->[$x]; next if defined $nodata && $value == $nodata; $min = $value if !defined $min || $value < $min; $max = $value if !defined $max || $value > $max; } } $xoff += $w_block; } say "min = $min, max = $max";
This is a foreign function interface to the GDAL geospatial data access library.
The most important importable functions are GetDriver and Open, which return a driver and a dataset objects respectively. GetDrivers returns all available drivers as objects.
Other importable functions include error handling configuration (SetErrorHandling and UnsetErrorHandling), functions that return lists of strings that are used in methods (Capabilities, OpenFlags, DataTypes, ResamplingMethods, FieldTypes, FieldSubtypes, Justifications, ColorInterpretations, GeometryTypes, GeometryFormats, GridAlgorithms), also functions GetVersionInfo, HaveGEOS, SetConfigOption, GetConfigOption, FindFile, PushFinderLocation, PopFinderLocation, and FinderClean can be imported.
:all imports all above functions.
my $info = GetVersionInfo($request);
Returns the version information from the underlying GDAL library. $request is optional and by default 'VERSION_NUM'.
my $driver = GetDriver($name);
Returns the specific driver object.
Returns a list of all available driver objects.
my $dataset = Open($name, {Flags => [qw/READONLY/], ...});
Open a dataset. $name is the name of the dataset. Named arguments are the following.
Returns the list of capabilities (strings) a GDAL major object (Driver, Dataset, Band, or Layer in Geo::GDAL::FFI) can have.
Returns the list of opening flags to be used in the Open method.
Returns the list of raster cell data types to be used in e.g. the CreateDataset method of the Driver class.
Returns the list of field types.
Returns the list of field subtypes.
Returns the list of field justifications.
Returns the list of color interpretations.
Returns the list of geometry types.
Set a Perl function to catch errors reported within GDAL with CPLError. The errors are collected into @Geo::GDAL::FFI::errors and confessed if a method fails. This is the default.
Unset the Perl function to catch GDAL errors. If no other error handler is set, GDAL prints the errors into stderr.
This module is mostly thread-safe, but for the error handling management. To ensure thread-safety GDAL error handling is automatically disabled before creating a new thread and re-enabled after that in the just created thread. The main thread needs to renable it via "SetErrorHandling", after all thread creations and before eventually using any GDAL function: this must be done explicitly in the main thread, because there is no way to do that automatically as for other threads.
my $gdal = Geo::GDAL::FFI->get_instance;
Obtain the Geo::GDAL::FFI singleton object. The object is usually not needed.
This software is released under the Artistic License. See perlartistic.
Ari Jolma - Ari.Jolma at
Alien::gdal, FFI::Platypus, <>
2025-01-04 | perl v5.40.0 |