SmbClient(3pm) User Contributed Perl Documentation SmbClient(3pm)

Filesys::SmbClient - Interface for access Samba filesystem with

  use POSIX;
  use Filesys::SmbClient;
  my $smb = new Filesys::SmbClient(username  => "alian",
                                   password  => "speed",
                                   workgroup => "alian",
                                   debug     => 10);
  # Read a file
  my $fd = $smb->open("smb://jupiter/doc/general.css", '0666');
  while (defined(my $l= $smb->read($fd,50))) {print $l; }
  # ...

See section EXAMPLE for others scripts.

Provide interface to access routine defined in provided with Samba.

Since 3.0 release of this package, you need a least samba-3.0.2. For prior release of Samba, use Filesys::SmbClient version 1.x.

For old and 2.x release, this library is available on Samba source, but is not build by default. Do "make bin/" in sources directory of Samba to build this libraries. Then copy source/include/libsmbclient.h to /usr/local/samba/include and source/bin/ to /usr/local/samba/lib before install this module.

If you want to use filehandle with this module, you need Perl 5.6 or later.

When a path is used, his scheme is :


$Revision: 3.2 $

Init connection Hash can have this keys:
  • username
  • password
  • workgroup
  • debug
  • flags : See set_flag

Return instance of Filesys::SmbClient on succes, die with error else.


  my $smb = new Filesys::SmbClient(username  => "alian",
                                   password  => "speed", 
                                   workgroup => "alian",
                                   debug     => 10);
Set flag for smb connection. See _SMBCCTX->flags in libsmclient.h Flag can be:

This didn't work before 5.005_64. Why, I don't know. When you have tied a filehandle with Filesys::SmbClient, you can call classic methods for filehandle: print, printf, seek, syswrite, getc, open, close, read. See perldoc for usage.


  local *FD;
  tie(*FD, 'Filesys::SmbClient');
    or print "Can't open file:", $!, "\n";
  while(<FD>) { print $_; }


  local *FD;
  tie(*FD, 'Filesys::SmbClient');
    or print "Can't create file:", $!, "\n";
  print FD "Samba test","\n";
  printf FD "%s", "And that work !\n";

Create directory $fname with permissions set to $mode. Return 1 on success, else 0 is return and errno and $! is set.


    or print "Error mkdir: ", $!, "\n";
Erase directory $fname. Return 1 on success, else 0 is return and errno and $! is set. ($fname must be empty, else see rmdir_recurse).


    or print "Error rmdir: ", $!, "\n";
Erase directory $fname. Return 1 on success, else 0 is return and errno and $! is set. Il $fname is not empty, all files and dir will be deleted.


    or print "Error rmdir_recurse: ", $!, "\n";
Open directory $fname. Return file descriptor on succes, else 0 is return and $! is set.
Read a directory. In a list context, return the full content of the directory $fd, else return next element. Each elem is a name of a directory or files.

Return undef at end of directory.


  my $fd = $smb->opendir("smb://jupiter/doc");
  foreach my $n ($smb->readdir($fd)) {print $n,"\n";}
Read a directory. In a list context, return the full content of the directory FILEHANDLE, else return next element. Each element is a ref to an array with type, name and comment. Type can be :

Return undef at end of directory.


  my $fd = $smb->opendir("smb://jupiter/doc");
  while (my $f = $smb->readdir_struct($fd)) {
    if ($f->[0] == SMBC_DIR) {print "Directory ",$f->[1],"\n";}
    elsif ($f->[0] == SMBC_FILE) {print "File ",$f->[1],"\n";}
    # ...
Close directory $fd.

Stat a file FILENAME. Return a list with info on success, else an empty list is return and $! is set.

List is made with:

  • device
  • inode
  • protection
  • number of hard links
  • user ID of owner
  • group ID of owner
  • device type (if inode device)
  • total size, in bytes
  • blocksize for filesystem I/O
  • number of blocks allocated
  • time of last access
  • time of last modification
  • time of last change


  my @tab = $smb->stat("smb://jupiter/doc/tata");
  if ($#tab == 0) { print "Erreur in stat:", $!, "\n"; }
  else {
    for (10..12) {$tab[$_] = localtime($tab[$_]);}
    print join("\n",@tab);
Like stat, but on a file handle
Changes the name of a file; an existing file NEWNAME will be clobbered. Returns true for success, false otherwise, with $! set.


    or print "Can't rename file:", $!, "\n";
Unlink FILENAME. Return 1 on success, else 0 is return and errno and $! is set.


    or print "Can't unlink file:", $!, "\n";
Open file $fname with perm $mode. Return file descriptor on success, else 0 is return and $! is set.


  my $fd = $smb->open("smb://jupiter/doc/test", 0666) 
    or print "Can't read file:", $!, "\n";
  my $fd = $smb->open(">smb://jupiter/doc/test", 0666) 
    or print "Can't create file:", $!, "\n";
  my $fd = $smb->open(">>smb://jupiter/doc/test", 0666) 
    or print "Can't append to file:", $!, "\n";
Read $count bytes of data on file descriptor $fd. It length is not set, 4096 bytes will be read.

Return buffer read on success, undef at end of file, -1 is return on error and $! is set.

FILEHANDLE must be open with open of this module.

Write $buf or @buf on file descriptor $fd. Return number of bytes wrote, else -1 is return and errno and $! is set.


  my $fd = $smb->open(">smb://jupiter/doc/test", 0666) 
    or print "Can't create file:", $!, "\n";
  $smb->write($fd, "A test of write call") 
    or print $!,"\n";

FILEHANDLE must be open with open of this module.

Sets FILEHANDLE's position, just like the "fseek" call of "stdio". FILEHANDLE may be an expression whose value gives the name of the filehandle. The values for WHENCE is always SEEK_SET because others didn't work on

FILEHANDLE must be open with open of this module.

Close file FILEHANDLE. Return 0 on success, else -1 is return and errno and $! is set.
A wrapper around `libsmbclient's `smbc_free_context'.

Close open files, release Samba connection, delete context, acquired during open_* calls.


    $smb->shutdown(0); # Gracefully close connection
    $sbm->shutdown(1); # Forcibly close files and connection

shutdown(1) may cause complaints about talloc memory
leaks, if there are currently no open files.

Remove job number IDJOB on printer PRINTER_URL

This module come with some scripts:

Just for check that this module is ok :-)
A CGI interface with these features:
  • browse workgroup ,share, dir
  • read file
  • upload file
  • create directory
  • unlink file, directory

The Filesys-SmbClient module is Copyright (c) 1999-2003 Alain BARBET, France, alian at All rights reserved.

You may distribute under the terms of either the GNU General Public License or the Artistic License, as specified in the Perl README file.

2025-01-04 perl v5.40.0