CommonMark::Node(3pm) User Contributed Perl Documentation CommonMark::Node(3pm)

CommonMark::Node - Node of the CommonMark parse tree

    my $html = $node->render(format => 'html');
    my $header    = $doc->first_child;
    my $level     = $header->get_header_level;
    my $paragraph = $header->next;
    my $link = CommonMark::Node->new(CommonMark::NODE_LINK);
    my $text = CommonMark::Node->new(CommonMark::NODE_TEXT);
    $text->set_literal('link text');

"CommonMark::Node" represents a node of the parse tree.

   my $node = CommonMark::Node->new($type);

Creates a new node of type $type. See "Node types" for a list of types. Note that the node creation functions provide a more powerful interface.


    my $result = $node->render(
        format        => $string,
        sourcepos     => $bool,    # Optional
        hardbreaks    => $bool,    # Optional
        nobreaks      => $bool,    # Optional
        unsafe        => $bool,    # Optional
        width         => $int,     # Optional

Convenience function to render documents. Supported "format"s are 'html', 'xml', 'man', 'commonmark', and 'latex'.

The "width" specifies the number of characters at which lines are broken, and is passed to renderers that support it. A value of 0 disables line wrapping. The default is 0.

The remaining options enable the respective render options:

  • "sourcepos"
  • "hardbreaks"
  • "unsafe"
  • "nobreaks"
  • "safe" (no-op as of libcmark 0.29)


    my $html  = $node->render_html( [$options] )
    my $xml   = $node->render_xml( [$options] )
    my $man   = $node->render_man( [$options], [$width] )
    my $md    = $node->render_commonmark( [$options], [$width] )
    my $latex = $node->render_latex( [$options], [$width] )

These methods render the contents of the node in the respective format.

$options is a bit field created by ORing render options. It may be omitted and defaults to "OPT_DEFAULT".

$width specifies the number of characters at which lines are broken. A value of 0 disables line wrapping. The default is 0.

Render options can be imported from CommonMark with tag "opt".

    use CommonMark qw(:opt);
Adds information about line numbers in the source file to the XML and HTML formats.
Translates "softbreak" nodes (typically corresponding to newlines in the input) to hard line breaks. This is only supported by some renderers. The HTML renderer, for example, generates a "<br />" instead of a newline character.
Translates "softbreak" nodes to spaces. Requires libcmark 0.26 or higher.
Only affects the HTML renderer. It allows raw HTML blocks and some dangerous links.
Replaces raw HTML with a placeholder HTML comment. This option has no effect with libcmark 0.29 or higher, where "Safe" mode is the default.

See the documentation of libcmark for a more detailed explanation of the render options.

    # Integer values
    my $int = $node->get_type;
    my $int = $node->get_header_level;
    my $int = $node->get_list_type;
    my $int = $node->get_list_delim;
    my $int = $node->get_list_start;
    my $int = $node->get_list_tight;
    my $int = $node->get_start_line;
    my $int = $node->get_start_column;
    my $int = $node->get_end_line;
    my $int = $node->get_end_column;
    # String values
    my $string = $node->get_type_string;
    my $string = $node->get_literal;
    my $string = $node->get_title;
    my $string = $node->get_url;
    my $string = $node->get_fence_info;
    my $string = $node->get_on_enter;
    my $string = $node->get_on_exit;

Various accessors to get and set integer and string values of a node. Not all values are supported by every type of node. Getters return 0 or "undef" for unsupported values. Setters die on failure.

See "Constants" for a list of constants used for node types, list types, and list delimiters.

    my $iterator = $node->iterator;

Creates a new CommonMark::Iterator to walk through the descendants of the node.

    my $next   = $node->next;
    my $prev   = $node->previous;
    my $parent = $node->parent;
    my $child  = $node->first_child;
    my $child  = $node->last_child;

These methods return the respective node in the tree structure.


"unlink" removes a node and all its descendants from the tree.

"replace" replaces $node with $other, unlinking $node.

"insert_before" and "insert_after" insert the $other node before or after $node. "append_child" and "prepend_child" append or prepend $other to the children of $node. $other is unlinked before it is moved to its new position.

These methods may die on failure, for example if the document structure is violated.

Node types

    CommonMark::NODE_NONE => 0

Node types can be imported from CommonMark with tag "node".

    use CommonMark qw(:node);

List types

    CommonMark::NO_LIST => 0

List types can be imported from CommonMark with tag "list".

    use CommonMark qw(:list);

Delimiter types for ordered lists

    CommonMark::NO_DELIM => 0

Delimiter types can be imported from CommonMark with tag "delim".

    use CommonMark qw(:delim);

This software is copyright (C) by Nick Wellnhofer.

This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.

2024-10-15 perl v5.40.0