libnvme(2) API Manual libnvme(2)

struct nvme_ns_mgmt_host_sw_specified - Namespace management Host Software Specified Fields.

struct nvme_ns_mgmt_host_sw_specified {
__le64 nsze;
__le64 ncap;
__u8 rsvd16[10];
__u8 flbas;
__u8 rsvd27[2];
__u8 dps;
__u8 nmic;
__u8 rsvd31[61];
__le32 anagrpid;
__u8 rsvd96[4];
__le16 nvmsetid;
__le16 endgid;
__u8 rsvd104[280];
__le64 lbstm;
__le16 nphndls;
__u8 rsvd394[105];
union {
__u8 rsvd499[13];
struct {
__u8 znsco;
__le32 rar;
__le32 ror;
__le32 rnumzrwa;
} zns;
__le16 phndl[128];
__u8 rsvd768[3328];

Namespace Size indicates the total size of the namespace in logical blocks. The number of logical blocks is based on the formatted LBA size.
Namespace Capacity indicates the maximum number of logical blocks that may be allocated in the namespace at any point in time. The number of logical blocks is based on the formatted LBA size.
Formatted LBA Size, see enum nvme_id_ns_flbas.
End-to-end Data Protection Type Settings, see enum nvme_id_ns_dps.
Namespace Multi-path I/O and Namespace Sharing Capabilities, see enum nvme_id_ns_nmic.
ANA Group Identifier indicates the ANA Group Identifier of the ANA group of which the namespace is a member.
NVM Set Identifier indicates the NVM Set with which this namespace is associated.
Endurance Group Identifier indicates the Endurance Group with which this namespace is associated.
Logical Block Storage Tag Mask Identifies the mask for the Storage Tag field for the protection information
Number of Placement Handles specifies the number of Placement Handles included in the Placement Handle List
Reserved for I/O Command Sets that extend this specification.
rsvd499( Zoned Namespace Command Set specific field )
Placement Handle Associated RUH : This field specifies the Reclaim Unit Handle Identifier to be associated with the Placement Handle value. If the Flexible Data Placement capability is not supported or not enabled in specified Endurance Group, then the controller shall ignore this field.
struct nvme_ns_mgmt_host_sw_specified January 2025