ioctl_xfs_scrubv_metadata - check a lot of XFS filesystem metadata
#include <xfs/xfs_fs.h>
int ioctl(int dest_fd, XFS_IOC_SCRUBV_METADATA, struct xfs_scrub_vec_head *arg);
This XFS ioctl asks the kernel driver to examine several pieces of filesystem metadata for errors or suboptimal metadata. Multiple scrub types can be invoked to target a single filesystem object. See ioctl_xfs_scrub_metadata(2) for a discussion of metadata validation, and documentation of the various XFS_SCRUB_TYPE and XFS_SCRUB_FLAGS values referenced below.
The types and location of the metadata to scrub are conveyed as a vector with a header of the following form:
struct xfs_scrub_vec_head { __u64 svh_ino; __u32 svh_gen; __u32 svh_agno; __u32 svh_flags; __u16 svh_rest_us; __u16 svh_nr; __u64 svh_reserved; __u64 svh_vectors; };
The field svh_ino, svh_gen, and svh_agno correspond to the sm_ino, sm_gen, and sm_agno fields of the regular scrub ioctl. Exactly one filesystem object can be specified in a single call. The kernel will proceed with each vector in svh_vectors until progress is no longer possible.
The field svh_rest_us specifies an amount of time to pause between each scrub invocation to give the system a chance to process other requests.
The field svh_nr specifies the number of vectors in the svh_vectors array.
The field svh_vectors is a pointer to an array of struct xfs_scrub_vec structures.
The field svh_reserved must be zero.
Each vector has the following form:
struct xfs_scrub_vec { __u32 sv_type; __u32 sv_flags; __s32 sv_ret; __u32 sv_reserved; };
The fields sv_type and sv_flags indicate the type of metadata to check and the behavioral changes that userspace will permit of the kernel. The sv_flags field will be updated upon completion of the scrub call. See the documentation of XFS_SCRUB_TYPE_* and XFS_SCRUB_[IO]FLAG_* values in ioctl_xfs_scrub_metadata(2) for a detailed description of their purpose.
If a vector's sv_type field is set to the value XFS_SCRUB_TYPE_BARRIER, the kernel will stop processing vectors and return to userspace if a scrubber flags corruption by setting one of the XFS_SCRUB_OFLAG_* values in sv_flags or returns an operation error in sv_ret. Otherwise, the kernel returns only after processing all vectors.
The sv_ret field is set to the return value of the scrub function. See the RETURN VALUE section of the ioctl_xfs_scrub_metadata(2) manual page for more information.
The sv_reserved field must be zero.
On error, -1 is returned, and errno is set to indicate the error.
Error codes can be one of, but are not limited to, the following:
This API is specific to XFS filesystem on the Linux kernel.
These operations may block other filesystem operations for a long time. A calling process can stop the operation by being sent a fatal signal, but non-fatal signals are blocked.
ioctl(2) ioctl_xfs_scrub_metadata(2) xfs_scrub(8) xfs_repair(8)
2024-05-21 | XFS |