wesnoth - Battle for Wesnoth, a turn-based fantasy strategy
Battle for Wesnoth is a turn-based fantasy strategy
Defeat all enemy leaders using a well-chosen cadre of troops,
taking care to manage your resources of gold and villages. All units have
their own strengths and weaknesses; to win, deploy your forces to their best
advantage while denying your foes the chance to do the same. As units gain
experience, they acquire new abilities and become more powerful. Play in
your own language and test your skill against a smart computer opponent, or
join Wesnoth's large community of online players. Create your own custom
units, scenarios or campaigns, and share them with others.
- --all-translations
- Show all translations in the in-game language selection list, even if they
are deemed insufficiently complete.
- --bunzip2 infile.bz2
- decompresses a file which should be in bzip2 format and stores it without
the .bz2 suffix. The infile.bz2 will be removed.
- --bzip2 infile
- compresses a file in bzip2 format, stores it as infile.bz2 and
removes infile.
- -c[id_campaign], --campaign[=id_campaign]
- goes directly to the campaign with id id_campaign. A selection menu
will appear if no id was specified.
- --campaign-difficulty[=difficulty]
- The difficulty of the specified campaign (1 to max). If none specified,
the campaign difficulty selection widget will appear.
- --campaign-scenario id_scenario
- The id of the scenario from the specified campaign. The default is the
first scenario.
- --campaign-skip-story
- Skip [story] screens and dialogue through the end of the start
- --clock
- Adds the option to show a clock for testing the drawing timer.
- --config-dir name
- Deprecated, use --userdata-dir.
- --config-path
- Deprecated, use --userdata-path.
- --core id_core
- overrides the loaded core with the one whose id is specified.
- --data-dir directory
- overrides the data directory with the one specified
- --data-path
- prints the path of the data directory and exits.
- -d, --debug
- enables additional command mode options in-game (see the wiki page at
https://www.wesnoth.org/wiki/CommandMode for more information about
command mode).
- --debug-lua
- enables some Lua debugging mechanisms
- --strict-lua
- disallow deprecated Lua API calls
- -D,--diff left-file right-file
- compares the two WML files; does not pre-process them first (to do that,
run them through -p first). Outputs the difference as DiffWML on
standard output or to the file indicated by --output.
- -e[file], --editor[=file]
- start the in-game map editor directly. If file is specified,
equivalent to -l --load.
- --fps
- displays the number of frames per second the game is currently running at
in a corner of the screen as well as writes these values to a file in the
user-data directory.
- -f, --fullscreen
- runs the game in full screen mode.
- --gunzip infile.gz
- decompresses a file which should be in gzip format and stores it without
the .gz suffix. The infile.gz will be removed.
- --gzip infile
- compresses a file in gzip format, stores it as infile.gz and
removes infile.
- -h, --help
- displays a summary of command line options to standard output, and
- -l, --load file
- loads the savegame file from the standard save game directory. If
the -e or --editor option is used as well, starts the editor
with the map from file open. If it is a directory, the editor will
start with a load map dialogue opened there.
- -L, --language lang
- uses language lang (symbol) this session. Example: --language
- --log-level=domain1,domain2,...
- sets the severity level of the log domains. all can be used to
match any log domain. Available levels:
error, warning, info, debug, none.
By default the warning level is used for most domains, but
deprecation is set to none by default unless combined with
the -d option.
- --log-precise
- shows the time-stamps in log output with more precision.
- --log-strict
- sets the strict level of the logger. Any messages sent to log domains of
this level or more severe will cause the unit test to fail regardless of
the victory result. Only relevant when used with -u.
- --logdomains[=filter]
- lists defined log domains (only the ones containing filter if used)
and exits
- --no-log-to-file
- prevents redirecting logged output to a file. Log files are created in the
logs directory under the user-data folder.
- --log-to-file
- log output is written to a file. Cancels the effect of --no-log-to-file
whether implicit or explicit.
- --wnoconsole
- For Windows, when used with --no-log-to-file, results in output being
written to cerr/cout instead of CONOUT. Otherwise, does nothing.
- --max-fps fps
- the number of frames per second the game can show, the value should be
between 1 and 1000, the default is the monitor's refresh
- -m, --multiplayer
- runs a multiplayer game. There are additional options that can be used
together with --multiplayer as explained below.
- --mp-test
- load the test mp scenarios.
- --new-widgets
- there is a new WIP widget tool-kit, this option enables it. This is very
experimental, don't fill bug reports since most are known. Parts of the
library are deemed stable and will work without this switch.
- --nodelay
- runs the game without any delays for graphic benchmarking. This is
automatically enabled by --nogui.
- --noaddons
- disables loading of user add-ons.
- --nocache
- disables caching of game data.
- --nogui
- runs the game without the GUI. Only available in combination with
--multiplayer or --screenshot or --plugin.
- --nobanner
- suppress the start-up banner.
- --nomusic
- runs the game without music.
- --noreplaycheck
- don't try to validate replay of unit test. Only relevant when used with
- --nosound
- runs the game without sounds and music.
- --output file
- output to the specified file. Applicable to diff operations.
- --password password
- uses password when connecting to a server, ignoring other
preferences. Unsafe.
- --plugin script
- (experimental) load a script which defines a Wesnoth plugin.
Similar to --script, but Lua file should return a function which
will be run as a co-routine and periodically woken up with updates.
- -P,--patch base-file patch-file
- applies a DiffWML patch to a WML file; does not pre-process either of the
files. Outputs the patched WML to standard output or to the file indicated
by --output.
- -p, --preprocess source-file/folder target-directory
- preprocesses a specified file/folder. For each file(s) a plain .cfg file
and a processed .cfg file will be written in specified target directory.
If a folder is specified, it will be preprocessed recursively based on the
known preprocessor rules. The common macros from the
"data/core/macros" directory will be preprocessed before the
specified resources. Example: -p ~/wesnoth/data/campaigns/tutorial
~/result. For details regarding the preprocessor visit:
- --preprocess-defines=DEFINE1,DEFINE2,...
- comma separated list of defines to be used by the --preprocess
command. If SKIP_CORE is in the define list the
"data/core" directory won't be preprocessed.
- --preprocess-input-macros source-file
- used only by the --preprocess command. Specifies a file that
contains [preproc_define]s to be included before
- --preprocess-output-macros[=target-file]
- used only by the --preprocess command. Will output all preprocessed
macros in the target file. If the file is not specified the output will be
file '_MACROS_.cfg' in the target directory of preprocess's command. The
output file can be passed to --preprocess-input-macros. This switch
should be typed before the --preprocess command.
- -r XxY, --resolution XxY
- sets the screen resolution. Example: -r 800x600.
- --render-image image output
- takes a valid wesnoth 'image path string' with image path functions, and
outputs to a .png file. Image path functions are documented at
- -R, --report
- initializes game directories, prints build information suitable for use in
bug reports, and exits.
- --rng-seed number
- seeds the random number generator with number. Example:
--rng-seed 0.
- --screenshot map output
- saves a screenshot of map to output without initializing a
- --script file
- (experimental) file containing a Lua script to control the
- -s[host], --server[=host]
- connects to the specified host if any, otherwise connect to the first
server in preferences. Example: --server
- --showgui
- runs the game with the GUI, overriding any implicit --nogui.
- --strict-validation
- validation errors are treated as fatal errors.
- -t[scenario_id], --test[=scenario_id]
- runs the game in a small test scenario. The scenario should be one defined
with a [test] WML tag. The default is test. A demonstration
of the [micro_ai] feature can be started with
- --translations-over percent
- Set the standard for deeming a translation is complete enough to show in
the in-game language list to percent. Valid values are 0 to
- -u, --unit scenario-id
- runs the specified test scenario as a unit test. Implies
- --unsafe-scripts
- makes the package package available to lua scripts, so that they
can load arbitrary packages. Do not do this with untrusted scripts! This
action gives lua the same permissions as the wesnoth executable.
- -S,--use-schema path
- sets the WML schema for use with -V,--validate.
- --userconfig-dir name
- sets the user configuration directory to name under $HOME or
"My Documents\My Games" for windows. You can also specify an
absolute path for the configuration directory outside the $HOME or
"My Documents\My Games". On Windows it is also possible to
specify a directory relative to the process working directory by using
path starting with ".\" or "..\". Under X11 this is
set to $XDG_CONFIG_HOME or $HOME/.config/wesnoth by default, on other
systems to the user data path.
- --userconfig-path
- prints the path of the user configuration directory and exits.
- --userdata-dir name
- sets the user data directory to name under $HOME or "My
Documents\My Games" for windows. You can also specify an absolute
path for the user data directory outside the $HOME or "My
Documents\My Games". On Windows it is also possible to specify a
directory relative to the process working directory by using path starting
with ".\" or "..\".
- --userdata-path
- prints the path of the user data directory and exits.
- --username username
- uses username when connecting to a server, ignoring other
- --validate path
- validates a file against the WML schema.
- --validate-addon addon_id
- validates the WML of the given add-on as you play.
- --validate-core
- validates the core WML as you play.
- --validate-schema
- validates a file as a WML schema.
- --validcache
- assumes that the cache is valid. (dangerous)
- -v, --version
- shows the version number and exits.
- --simple-version
- shows the version number and nothing else, then exits.
- -w, --windowed
- runs the game in windowed mode.
- --with-replay
- replays the game loaded with the --load option.
The side-specific multiplayer options are marked with
number. number has to be replaced by a side number. It usually
is 1 or 2 but depends on the number of players possible in the chosen
- --ai-config number:value
- selects a configuration file to load for the AI controller for this
- --algorithm number:value
- selects a non-standard algorithm to be used by the AI controller for this
side. The algorithm is defined by an [ai] tag, which can be a core
one either in "data/ai/ais" or "data/ai/dev" or an
algorithm defined by an add-on. Available values include: idle_ai
and experimental_ai.
- --controller number:value
- selects the controller for this side. Available values: human,
ai, and null.
- --era value
- use this option to play in the selected era instead of the Default
era. The era is chosen by an id. Eras are described in the
data/multiplayer/eras.cfg file.
- --exit-at-end
- exits once the scenario is over, without displaying the victory/defeat
dialogue which normally requires the user to click End Scenario. This is
also used for scripted benchmarking.
- --ignore-map-settings
- do not use map settings, use default values instead.
- --label label
- sets the label for AIs.
- --multiplayer-repeat value
- repeats a multiplayer game value times. Best to use with
--nogui for script-based benchmarking.
- --parm number:name:value
- sets additional parameters for this side. This parameter depends on the
options used with --controller and --algorithm. It should
only be useful for people designing their own AI. (not yet documented
- --scenario value
- selects a multiplayer scenario by id. The default scenario id is
- --side number:value
- selects a faction of the current era for this side. The faction is chosen
by an id. Factions are described in the data/multiplayer.cfg file.
- --turns value
- sets the number of turns for the chosen scenario. By default no turn limit
is set.
Normal exit status is 0. An exit status of 1 indicates an (SDL,
video, fonts, etc) initialization error. An exit status of 2 indicates an
error with the command line options.
When running unit tests (with -u), the exit status is
different. An exit status of 0 indicates that the test passed, and 1
indicates that the test failed. An exit status of 3 indicates that the test
passed, but produced an invalid replay file. An exit status of 4 indicates
that the test passed, but the replay produced errors. These latter two are
only returned if --noreplaycheck is not passed.
Written by David White <davidnwhite@verizon.net>.
Edited by Nils Kneuper <crazy-ivanovic@gmx.net>, ott
<ott@gaon.net> and Soliton <soliton.de@gmail.com>.
This manual page was originally written by Cyril Bouthors
Visit the official homepage: https://www.wesnoth.org/
Copyright © 2003-2024 David White
This is Free Software; this software is licensed under the GPL version 2, as
published by the Free Software Foundation. There is NO warranty; not even