HALT(8) Linux-Systemverwaltungshandbuch HALT(8)

halt, poweroff, reboot - das System anhalten


/sbin/halt [-d] [-f] [-h] [-i] [-n] [-p] [-w]
/sbin/reboot [-d] [-f] [-i] [-k] [-m <message>] [-n] [-w]
/sbin/poweroff [-d] [-f] [-h] [-i] [-n] [-w]

halt notes that the system is being brought down in the file /var/log/wtmp, and then either tells the kernel to halt, reboot or power-off the system.

If halt or reboot is called when the system is not in runlevel 0 or 6, in other words when it's running normally, shutdown will be invoked instead (with the -h or -r flag). For more info see the shutdown(8) manpage.

Der Rest dieser Handbuchseite beschreibt das Verhalten in den Runlevels 0 und 6, also wenn die Herunterfahr-Skripte des Systems laufen.

schreibt keinen Wtmp-Herunterfahreintrag.
erzwingt Systemhalt oder Neustart und ruft shutdown(8) nicht auf.
versetzt alle Festplattenlaufwerke im System direkt vor Systemhalt oder Ausschalten in den Standby-Modus.
Shut down all network interfaces just before halt or reboot. Warning: This may not work on interfaces which do not have an IP address and should ideally be handled by a network manager service.
Try to reboot using kexec, if kernel supports it.
When running on a Linux system, any quoted parameter after the -m flag will be passed to the firmware to be interpreted at boot time. Some systems, like the Raspberry Pi, can use this to switch target partitions. Please note, this parameter enables -f, forcing the reboot command to handle shutting down itself.
Don't sync before reboot or halt. Note that the kernel and storage drivers may still sync. This implies -d.
When halting the system, switch off the power. This is the default when halt is called as poweroff.
führt keinen Systemhalt oder Neustart tatsächlich aus, sondern schreibt nur den Wtmp-Herunterfahreintrag (in die Datei /var/log/wtmp).

Falls Sie nicht der Superuser sind, erhalten Sie die Meldung »must be superuser«.

Under older sysvinit releases, reboot and halt should never be called directly. From release 2.74 on, halt and reboot invoke shutdown(8) if the system is not in runlevel 0 or 6. This means that if halt or reboot cannot find out the current runlevel (for example, when /var/run/utmp hasn't been initialized correctly and /var/run/runlevel does not exist) shutdown will be called, which might not be what you want. Use the -f flag if you want to do a hard halt or reboot.

The -h flag puts all hard disks in standby mode just before halt or power-off. Right now this is only implemented for IDE drives. A side effect of putting the drive in stand-by mode is that the write cache on the disk is flushed. This is important for IDE drives, since the kernel doesn't flush the write cache itself before power-off.

Das Programm halt findet alle IDE-Laufwerke mit Hilfe von /proc/ide/hd*, was bedeutet, dass /proc beim Aufruf von halt oder poweroff eingehängt sein muss. Anderenfalls wird der Schalter -h nichts bewirken.

Miquel van Smoorenburg

shutdown(8), init(8)

6. November 2001 sysvinit